Encounter #27 : “ The Faith of a Dog” Read: Mark 7:24-30 Jesus retreated to Tyre and Sidon. These were mostly Gentile territories. The Pharisees were recently challenging Him on traditions and man-made-religious rules. Jesus told them that they made the commandments of God powerless through their religious ceremonialism. God's ways gives freedom and liberty. Religion brings bondage and fear. While in Gentile surroundings, a Greek woman from Syrophenicea came to Jesus desiring that her young, little girl be delivered from demonic possession. From Matthew 15:23-25 we read that the disciples wanted her to leave Jesus alone. Jesus told her that the “children's bread” should not be given to dogs. To the Jews, Gentiles were considered to be dogs. The “children” Jesus spoke about were the Jews. They were the children of the promise of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The “bread” is the Gospel, which includes salvation, healing and deliverance. Jesus came to His own first: th...
Showing posts from February, 2019
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Encounter #26 : What's In My Heart? Read: Mark 7:14-23 Jesus called the common people to Himself. Previously, the Pharisees were offended by Jesus' teaching on God's Commandments. Now Jesus explains to His disciples what He meant by saying that nothing outside of a person can defile him but what comes from the heart. They were still dull of understanding, but Jesus tells them that food doesn't defile a person. Food doesn't enter the heart of a person. The word “heart” means the soul of a person. It is his emotions, desires, will, and mind. It is the real you. What goes into the stomach, gets digested and the un-nutrioius food is removed into the cesspool. It doesn't effect the heart. But what is in the heart? What comes out of your heart? You are to guard your heart because out of it comes your life style! From your soul (mind, will and emotions) comes the choices you make. Jesus is saying that which comes out of your heart is what makes you unclea...
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Encounter #25 : Am I Believing God's Word or Man's Word? Read: Mark 7:1-13 The Pharisees (“the fault-finders”) and the Scribes (“the senseless-scribblers”) were questioning Jesus on why His disciples didn't wash their hands before they ate. It wasn't a matter of hygiene but of the traditions of the Jewish elders. The Pharisees were saying that the disciples we ceremonially unclean. Their hands were defiled. By jabbing the disciples they were coming against Jesus. But Jesus responded by calling them hypocrites! The religious elders were more concerned about the outward than the inward love for God. They were bound to ritual rather than reality. In vain they worshiped God by teaching the doctrines of men instead of the commandments of God. Jesus quoted from Isaiah 29:13. God's commandments were replaced by man-made traditions. Jesus recited to them the commandment that they are to honor their father and their mother (Exodus 20:12). Which is still to be prac...
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Encounter #24 : “ Be of good cheer...Fear not” Read: Mark: 6:45-56 After feeding the multitudes, Jesus told His disciples to go to Bethsaida. Jesus sent the people away and went up into a mountain to pray all night. The apostles were on the Sea of Galilee and Jesus was in the mountain watching and praying. A storm arose on the Sea and the apostles were rowing and struggling against the wind. They were distressed and tormented. They were half way across the Sea which is about 4 miles out and it was between 3AM and 6AM. After rowing for several hours the apostles see Jesus coming towards them walking on the water! It seemed as if He would pass them by. They were fearful but Jesus said “Be of good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid.” Matthew 14:22ff records Peter's reaction. He wanted to walk on the water with Jesus. Jesus told him to come. And Peter walked on the water with Jesus. However, Peter began to sink. Jesus took him by the hand and told him he had a little f...
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Encounter #23: Got Faith? Read: Mark 6:30-44 The apostles gathered around Jesus. They told Him everything they did and taught (6:12,13). They preached repentance and cast out demons and healed the sick. They were accountable to Jesus for their actions and words. So must we be also. They were “doing the work of the ministry” (Eph. 4:11-14). Are you doing and saying what you are called to do? Jesus said it was time to take a break. They were going for a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. The multitude of people noticed were they were headed and went on foot to meet them on the other side. Before Jesus and the apostles could reach their destination, the people were there already. Jesus was not angry at the people, but He has compassion on them. Compassion means having love and sorrow and the desire to help. Jesus saw the people as sheep without a shepherd. They were lost and without a Savior. Jesus taught them the Wo...
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Encounter #22 : Persistence, Pressure & Peers Read: Mark 6:14-29 King Herod Antipas was suspiciously fearful that Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead. Herod Antipas' father was King Herod the Great (the one who killed the babies when Jesus was born). Antipas' brothers were Aristobulus and Philip. Philip's wife was Herodias. But Antipas, being already married to the King of Arabia's daughter, wanted his brother Philip's wife, Herodias. So, Antipas divorces his wife and marries his brother's wife. John the Baptist kept telling him that it was wrong and against God's law. John was put in prison because of Herodias. She wanted him dead, but Antipas considered John a righteous and holy prophet. John was persistent in his message. We need to be persistent in proclaiming the truth of God's Word no matter the cost. It was King Herod Antipas' birthday. It was a convenient time for Herodias to bring her sinister plan to p...
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Encounter #21: It's My Turn Read: Mark 6: 7-13 Jesus called the twelve to Himself. He always wants to spend time with His own. Now it was their turn to do what Jesus had been doing. Jesus sent them out two by two. They were to be missionaries to the lost. They were to witness about the Kingdom of God. He didn't send them empty-handed. We are never alone and never without provision and power. Jesus sent them out with His authority. Not only were they sent and authorized by Jesus, but also they were to have three things with them. First, a staff. This represented authority. Jacob, Moses, Aaron, David, Elisha and others had a staff with them. The apostles had God's authority with them. Secondly, they were to wear simple sandals. Not the long-laced type Romans wore. But simple ones. These represented the “Gospel of Peace” (Eph. 6:16). Wherever they were to go they were to bring the peace of the Gospel. And thirdly, they were to wear only one coat,...
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Encounter #20: Don't Take Jesus For Granted Read: Mark 6:1-6 Jesus was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, later lived in Capernaum, died outside Jerusalem and rose from the dead from the Garden Tomb. Now Jesus returns to Nazareth, the town He grew up in. According to Scripture this seems to be the second time He visited Nazareth. Luke 4:16ff records His first visit to the synagogue where He read from Isaiah 61. The religious leaders rejected His claim that He was the Messiah and wanted to throw Him off a cliff. But He escaped. He returns to Nazareth again on the Sabbath, and as His custom was, He went into the synagogue and taught. Those that were in the synagogue were amazed at His teachings. They wondered how He received His wisdom and how mighty miracles were done by Him. They were astonished that how a carpenter, and the son of a carpenter could say and do the things He did. His mother and family lived there still. Jesus said that a Prophet is no...
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Encounter #19 : Jesus Wants to Heal Me Read: Mark 5:21-43 Jesus crossed back over the Sea of Galilee and was met with a multitude of people waiting for Him. Among them was Jairus. He was one of the rulers in the synagogue. That meant that he had oversight of the worship, maintenance, order and general direction of the synagogue. He came crying to Jesus because his only daughter was at home dying. He had faith that if Jesus would lay His hands on her, she would be healed. Jesus began to walk to Jairus' home. As the crowd thronged Him a woman who was plagued with an issue of blood reached out and touched His garment. She said that if she can touch His garment, she will be made whole of the plague she had for 12 years. She had faith to be healed. Both Jairus and the women believed that Jesus could heal. Do you believe that? Receive it. Jesus knew that someone touched Him in faith. The disciples derided Jesus because many people were around Him. Many people followed Jesus,...
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Encounter #18: Go and Tell Read: Mark 5:1-20 Jesus and His disciples arrived to their destination. The storm they just went through prepared the disciples for what they were about to experience. They were in Gadara. It was a place where Jews and Gentiles lived. A man came running towards them who was demon-possessed. The Gospel of Matthew states that there were two men. But Mark only tells us about the one who was predominant. He had an unclean spirit. It was an evil spirit. Demons are evil, fallen angels with personalities and intelligence. They are members of Satan's kingdom. Therefore, they are enemies of God and all humans, especially believers. But Jesus is greater. This demon-possessed man lived in the grave yard. No one was able to tame or control him. He broke the chains and shackles that were bound to him. He cut himself with the sharp rocks. Night and day he cried out because of his torment . He confronted Jesus and fell down at His feet and worshipe...
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Encounter #17: Going Over Takes Faith Read: Mark 4:35-41 Jesus said He and His disciples were going to pass over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Other little boats followed them. While they were passing over a great storm arose. The boat was filling up with water. Jesus was fast asleep in the boat. The disciples were fearful. They rebuked Jesus for not caring for them. They were fearing that they were going to die. They went to Jesus to wake Him up. Jesus awoke. He rebuked the wind. It stopped. He spoke to the waves and they settled down. All were safe and sound. They made it to the other side. This event may sound familiar. Are there storms in your life? Storms of debt, sickness, fear, anger, addictions and hopelessness? Don't give up! Jesus is not asleep on the job. He knows what you are experiencing. Jesus told His disciples they were going over to the other side, and they did. What Jesus says happens. He does not lie. What has He p...
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Encounter #16 : The Kingdom of God Is Growing Read: Mark 4:30-34 What can we compare the Kingdom of God to? Jesus said we can compare it to a mustard seed. This was a simple illustration that any farmer during Jesus' time would understand. The mustard seed is the smallest herb-bearing seed. It is the smallest of seeds that can produce an edible plant. Even though there are seeds smaller than the mustard seed, Jesus was saying that it is the smallest herb seed that is planted by a farmer that will produce the largest herb producing edible plant. Compared to the smallness of the seed, the resulting bush is great in size. The seed can produce a tree that is 6 to 12 feet in height. The result is greater than the beginning. And so it is with the Gospel. The Church is still growing. The Gospel started with Jesus. He gathered to Himself the 12 apostles. They preached the Gospel and on the Day of Pentecost 3,000 souls were saved. God added to the Church daily s...
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Encounter #15: The Harvest Has Come Read: Mark 4:26-29 The Kingdom of God is God's Kingdom on Earth. The seed is the Word of God which is scattered in the earth. The seed grows. All the research of science and philosophies cannot tell how the seed grows. Observation of one fact after another produces results, but the question is how does it happen? The same is with God's Kingdom. Unless you are born again (born from above) you cannot see nor enter into God's Kingdom (John 3:1-7). The seed of the Gospel is planted in hearts, and the Holy Spirit does His work. God's grace works in people's hearts. The seed produces grain by itself. It doesn't need our help, but God causes it to grow. The Gospel seed grows in our lives by God's assistance. The seed produces a stalk, then an ear, then the full kernel, which is the ripe wheat. When the fruit is ripe it is then harvest time. When the Gospel seed is planted in souls there comes a time when...