Encounter #26:
What's In My Heart?
Read: Mark 7:14-23

Jesus called the common people to Himself. Previously, the Pharisees were offended by Jesus' teaching on God's Commandments. Now Jesus explains to His disciples what He meant by saying that nothing outside of a person can defile him but what comes from the heart. They were still dull of understanding, but Jesus tells them that food doesn't defile a person. Food doesn't enter the heart of a person. The word “heart” means the soul of a person. It is his emotions, desires, will, and mind. It is the real you. What goes into the stomach, gets digested and the un-nutrioius food is removed into the cesspool. It doesn't effect the heart. But what is in the heart? What comes out of your heart? You are to guard your heart because out of it comes your life style! From your soul (mind, will and emotions) comes the choices you make.

Jesus is saying that which comes out of your heart is what makes you unclean and defiled. What is in your heart? Jesus said evil things are within our hearts. He gives these examples: evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, fornication, greed, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, blasphemy, slander, pride, foolishness, etc. These sins are in our hearts. An unclean heart corrupts our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, decisions, emotions and ultimately our life. Our stomach isn't the problem; it is the heart. Only the Blood of Jesus can forgive our sins. Our the Cross of Christ can set us free from these, and all sins. Confess them to Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me of these sins: (name them). I put them under the Blood of Jesus. Give me Your grace and strength to overcome them and live for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart and expose all sin. Then repent and receive God's grace and forgiveness. Clean your heart.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus knows what is in your heart. Receive His grace to overcome all sin. Receive the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to deliver you from all addiction, habits and sins that are hindering your spiritual growth. Acknowledge that Jesus will enable you to live a Godly life-style. Receive His love and power now.


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