Encounter #10:
Ordained, Appointed and Anointed
Read: Mark: 3:13-19

The word Apostle means someone who is sent by the Holy Spirit; an ambassador of Jesus; commissioned by Father God; a messenger of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. An Apostle is sent on a mission. He is a missionary of the Gospel. Ephesians 4:11 mentions the 5 “ascension gifts” that Jesus gave to the Church. They are called the 5-fold-ministry. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He released these gifts, or offices to His Church. These offices are still in the Church today, and are still needed. One of them is the Apostle. Some Christians are called to be an Apostle. This is a calling from God. It is not a self-proclaimed Apostle, or someone who has gone to a school and trained to be an Apostle. They are called by the Holy Spirit. You may not have this office, but you are still called by God.

The Scripture names the 12 original Apostles: Peter (Simon), James (the elder, the son of Zebedee), his brother John (the son of Zebedee), Andrew (Peter's brother), Philip, Bartholomew (Nathaniel), Matthew (Levi), Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Thaddeus (Lebbaeus or Jude), Simon (the Zealot) and Judas (Iscariot).

Jesus spent time in prayer and then called them to Himself, and they followed Him. He ordained them, and called them to be with Him. Ordained means that they were appointed and were to advance in God's Kingdom. Whom God appoints, He anoints and advances. It is the Lord that advanced Moses and Aaron (1 Sam. 12:6). Jesus said that you have not chosen Him, but He has chosen you, and ordained you to produce fruit in His Kingdom (John 15:16).

First, we need to spend time with Jesus. Secondly, we must be willing and obedient to go where He sends us. And thirdly, receive His power, anointing and authority to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. He wants you to advance in His Kingdom by His Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit to do Your will for Your Kingdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Application: Pray and obey God's voice. He will send you into His harvest.
Encounter Jesus: Receive Jesus' power and anointing to do His will now.


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