Encounter #23:
Got Faith?
Read: Mark 6:30-44

The apostles gathered around Jesus. They told Him everything they did and taught (6:12,13). They preached repentance and cast out demons and healed the sick. They were accountable to Jesus for their actions and words. So must we be also. They were “doing the work of the ministry” (Eph. 4:11-14). Are you doing and saying what you are called to do?

Jesus said it was time to take a break. They were going for a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. The multitude of people noticed were they were headed and went on foot to meet them on the other side. Before Jesus and the apostles could reach their destination, the people were there already. Jesus was not angry at the people, but He has compassion on them. Compassion means having love and sorrow and the desire to help. Jesus saw the people as sheep without a shepherd. They were lost and without a Savior. Jesus taught them the Word. It began to grow dark and the people were hungry. The disciples told Jesus to send them away. Jesus told them to feed the people. This story is told in all the four Gospels. Philip said there wasn't enough money to buy food for all of them. Andrew found a young boy with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fishes (Mt. 14:13ff; Luke 9:10ff; John 6:1-13). Jesus knew what he was going to do. He was testing the disciples. They had to use their faith.

Jesus had everyone sit down. He took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to the disciples to distribute. Between the breaking and the giving the miracle happened. Jesus could have multiplied the loaves and fishes before He gave them to the disciples. But as the bread was being broken the miracle happened. But between the breaking and the giving, the miracle occurred. When we pray, and the Lord “breaks” us then He can use us for a miracle. While we are broken, God works miracles through us. Everyone ate and was filled. There was even 12 baskets of left-overs. Over 5,000 men, besides women and children were fed and filled.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to break my pride, stubbornness and self-will so You can use me to do a miracle for someone else. Use my weakness and willingness to bless others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Application: Pray and then put your faith to work.
Encounter Jesus: Realize Jesus through you works miracles for others.


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