Encounter #18:
Go and Tell
Read: Mark 5:1-20

Jesus and His disciples arrived to their destination. The storm they just went through prepared the disciples for what they were about to experience. They were in Gadara. It was a place where Jews and Gentiles lived. A man came running towards them who was demon-possessed. The Gospel of Matthew states that there were two men. But Mark only tells us about the one who was predominant. He had an unclean spirit. It was an evil spirit. Demons are evil, fallen angels with personalities and intelligence. They are members of Satan's kingdom. Therefore, they are enemies of God and all humans, especially believers. But Jesus is greater.

This demon-possessed man lived in the grave yard. No one was able to tame or control him. He broke the chains and shackles that were bound to him. He cut himself with the sharp rocks. Night and day he cried out because of his torment . He confronted Jesus and fell down at His feet and worshiped Him. The man himself wanted deliverance but the demons were controlling him. A demon spoke and recognized Jesus as the Son of the Most High God. It didn't want to be tortured by Jesus and sent to the pit. It was no match for Jesus. The name of the demons was Legion because there were many of them (6,000). Jesus commanded the demons to enter the pigs. They did, and caused the 2,000 pigs to jump off a cliff and entered into the water and drowned. The man was set free and delivered. He was now clothed and in his right mind. Not even 6,000 demons could keep the man from coming to Jesus and being delivered!

Those who witnessed what happened were more upset that their pigs were dead than that the man was healed. They wanted Jesus out of their country. As Jesus was leaving the ex-possessed man wanted to go with Him. But Jesus told him to go and tell what happened. He did and published the great things that Jesus had done. He was now free and became a witness. We need to go and tell others what Jesus has done for us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be a witness of the great things that Your Son Jesus has done for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Application: Go and tell what God has done in you and through you.
Encounter Jesus: Receive Jesus' deliverance in your life now.


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