I Believing God's Word or Man's Word?
Read: Mark
The Pharisees
(“the fault-finders”) and the Scribes (“the
senseless-scribblers”) were questioning Jesus on why His disciples
didn't wash their hands before they ate. It wasn't a matter of
hygiene but of the traditions of the Jewish elders. The Pharisees
were saying that the disciples we ceremonially unclean. Their hands
were defiled. By jabbing the disciples they were coming against
Jesus. But Jesus responded by calling them hypocrites! The religious
elders were more concerned about the outward than the inward love for
God. They were bound to ritual rather than reality. In vain they
worshiped God by teaching the doctrines of men instead of the
commandments of God. Jesus quoted from Isaiah 29:13. God's
commandments were replaced by man-made traditions.
Jesus recited
to them the commandment that they are to honor their father and their
mother (Exodus 20:12). Which is still to be practiced today.
But the
Pharisees neglected to care for their parents by paying money to the
Temple treasury instead. Their offering to the Temple was called
“Corban,” which means “a gift dedicated to God.” By saying
“It is Corban,” they exempted themselves from their
responsibility to assist their parents. In place of helping their
needy parents the Pharisees dedicated their money to the Temple.
Therefore, they were dishonoring their parents. They made the Word of
God powerless, useless and ineffective through their tradition.
What is more
important to you? God's commandments or man-made religious traditions
and ceremonies? God's Word is powerful. Obey it. Honor your father
and your mother. It has its rewards: Ephesians 6:1-3.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your perfect Word. Help me to obey
it. Forgive me for follow man-made traditions instead of You. I
surrender my will to Your plans and purposes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
If your parents are still living, acknowledge them by calling them
and telling them “thank you” for all they have done for you. If
they are not around, thank the Lord for them and be a good example to
Jesus: Realize the Bible is powerful. Read it more and believe
it. Ask Jesus, the Living Word to make Himself real to you. He loves
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