Encounter #21:

It's My Turn
Read: Mark 6: 7-13

Jesus called the twelve to Himself. He always wants to spend time with His own. Now it was their turn to do what Jesus had been doing. Jesus sent them out two by two. They were to be missionaries to the lost. They were to witness about the Kingdom of God. He didn't send them empty-handed. We are never alone and never without provision and power. Jesus sent them out with His authority.

Not only were they sent and authorized by Jesus, but also they were to have three things with them. First, a staff. This represented authority. Jacob, Moses, Aaron, David, Elisha and others had a staff with them. The apostles had God's authority with them. Secondly, they were to wear simple sandals. Not the long-laced type Romans wore. But simple ones. These represented the “Gospel of Peace” (Eph. 6:16). Wherever they were to go they were to bring the peace of the Gospel. And thirdly, they were to wear only one coat, or cloak. This represented God's anointed covering. They were well equipped for their journey. They were not to bring any money, bread nor script (a small bag to carry scraps). God was to be their provider, protector and authority.

As the apostles went into a home they were to declare peace on that home. If they received peace in return, they were to remain there. If the home rejected their peace, the apostles were to move on, shaking the dust off their feet and move on in peace. The Lord would deal with those who rejected His message as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah. As they went they were to cast out unclean spirits, preach repentance, anoint the sick with oil (James 5:14-15) and heal them. Yes, now it's your turn.

Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father for equipping me to be your witness. Thank you for providing for me and anointing me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: As you witness for Jesus receive His authority (the staff), His peace (sandals), and His anointing (cloak). Go, peach, heal and deliver.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus is with you to anoint, protect and provide for you.


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