Encounter #27:
The Faith of a Dog”
Read: Mark 7:24-30

Jesus retreated to Tyre and Sidon. These were mostly Gentile territories. The Pharisees were recently challenging Him on traditions and man-made-religious rules. Jesus told them that they made the commandments of God powerless through their religious ceremonialism. God's ways gives freedom and liberty. Religion brings bondage and fear.

While in Gentile surroundings, a Greek woman from Syrophenicea came to Jesus desiring that her young, little girl be delivered from demonic possession. From Matthew 15:23-25 we read that the disciples wanted her to leave Jesus alone. Jesus told her that the “children's bread” should not be given to dogs. To the Jews, Gentiles were considered to be dogs. The “children” Jesus spoke about were the Jews. They were the children of the promise of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The “bread” is the Gospel, which includes salvation, healing and deliverance. Jesus came to His own first: the Jewish Nation. But they did not receive Him (John 1:10-12). The Gospel is first to be preached to the Jews (Romans 1:16). Jesus was telling the woman that she wasn't a Jew, but a “dog”! What?! Jesus knew what her response would be, but He wanted her to respond in faith. She told Jesus that He was right! But she desired the “crumbs” from the Master's table. Jesus saw her great faith and told her that her daughter is healed. She received the “crumbs”! Her faith in Jesus resulted in the deliverance of her daughter. Faith turned obstacles into opportunities.

Persistence and perseverance in faith resulted in deliverance.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I put my faith in You. You can do anything. Your power and authority reaches to all places. Bring deliverance to me and [name the person(s)]. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Use your faith today to believe the Lord to set captives free. There is no distance in prayer. Your faith has feet. Jesus still delivers.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus loves you. His promises are for you. You are not an outcast, a “dog.” You are God's creation. Receive His touch. Believe Him to set you free. Your faith in Him will bring answers to your prayers.


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