Encounter #15:
The Harvest Has Come
Read: Mark 4:26-29

The Kingdom of God is God's Kingdom on Earth. The seed is the Word of God which is scattered in the earth. The seed grows. All the research of science and philosophies cannot tell how the seed grows. Observation of one fact after another produces results, but the question is how does it happen? The same is with God's Kingdom. Unless you are born again (born from above) you cannot see nor enter into God's Kingdom (John 3:1-7). The seed of the Gospel is planted in hearts, and the Holy Spirit does His work. God's grace works in people's hearts. The seed produces grain by itself. It doesn't need our help, but God causes it to grow. The Gospel seed grows in our lives by God's assistance.

The seed produces a stalk, then an ear, then the full kernel, which is the ripe wheat. When the fruit is ripe it is then harvest time. When the Gospel seed is planted in souls there comes a time when it “ripens” and it is harvest time (John 4:35-38). When the “sickle” is ready to harvest the fruit it is decision time; reaping time; the end-time-harvest; the fruit is ripe for harvesting. It's time for souls to come to Jesus.

Jesus labored for our salvation. He laid the foundation by His death and resurrection. We enter in to receive our transformation. Jesus paid the price by His death (John 12:24). From Jesus' death we reap salvation, healing, deliverance, peace, heaven, hope, the Holy Spirit and eternal life. Harvest time is now. The harvest has come. Souls need salvation. They need Jesus. Plant the Gospel seed and expect and anticipate a harvest.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I have planted Your Word in the soul of (name someone) and I am believing that You will bring the increase. Help me and anoint me to be the witness You want me to be. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Be led by the Holy Spirit to witness to someone and plant the seed of the Gospel in their heart. Pray and expect results.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus is Lord of the Harvest. As you hear and feel His heart you will see the need to be His witness. Receive His love for the lost.


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