Encounter #16:

The Kingdom of God Is Growing
Read: Mark 4:30-34

What can we compare the Kingdom of God to? Jesus said we can compare it to a mustard seed. This was a simple illustration that any farmer during Jesus' time would understand. The mustard seed is the smallest herb-bearing seed. It is the smallest of seeds that can produce an edible plant. Even though there are seeds smaller than the mustard seed, Jesus was saying that it is the smallest herb seed that is planted by a farmer that will produce the largest herb producing edible plant. Compared to the smallness of the seed, the resulting bush is great in size. The seed can produce a tree that is 6 to 12 feet in height. The result is greater than the beginning. And so it is with the Gospel. The Church is still growing.

The Gospel started with Jesus. He gathered to Himself the 12 apostles. They preached the Gospel and on the Day of Pentecost 3,000 souls were saved. God added to the Church daily such as should be saved (Acts 2:47). In the Book of Acts the Church continued to grow by thousands (Acts 4:4; 5:14). The Word of God increased and the disciples began to multiply (Acts 6:7). Churches grew and multiplied in number (Acts 9:31; 11:21,24; 14:1; 15:5; 17:4; 18:8 and 21:20). From a small beginning, the Church increased in size. It started as a “mustard seed” and is now a “great tree” sheltering, comforting, feeding and giving rest, security and protection to others.

Jesus explained this parable to as many as wanted to hear it. As much as you can take in of what Jesus said, the more He will reveal to you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Church. May many more be added to it daily. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: As part of God's Kingdom, the Church, let the Holy Spirit use you to add to His Church. The Gospel is a success. The Church is growing. You are a part of a living organism with Jesus as the Head.

Encounter Jesus: Receive the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to be a witness (Acts 1:8). Be led by the Spirit to win souls. Jesus is building His Church and you are part of it. Receive His power and love now.


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