Encounter #14: What Am I Hearing? Read: Mark 4:21-25 Jesus came to reveal, not to conceal. There is nothing shady about what God says. God is light. His light overcomes the darkness. A lamp is to shine. Truth shines through the darkness. We are to understand the truths of God's Word. Jesus does not have secret agent disciples! We are not to be fearful of being a witness for Jesus on our jobs, in school, at home and wherever we go. As believers, we have the truth: Jesus and His Word. Be attentive of what you are hearing from the Word. Pay attention and listen to what God is saying. The more you hear the Word, the more revelation you will receive from the Word. Don't loose what you have heard from the Word. We are responsible for what we hear. The early church gladly received the Word (Acts 2:41). Some received the Word with eagerness of mind and continued to search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11). You have Pastors and godly leaders who can help you unders...
Showing posts from January, 2019
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Encounter #13: Am I Growing in Jesus? Read: Mark 4:1-20 Jesus taught from a fishing boat in the Sea of Galilee to the multitudes. He taught them a parable (Ps.78:2). It was not a fairy tale. It was a story from everyday life that revealed a truth about God's Kingdom. It was the “Parable of the Sower.” A sower (farmer) plants seeds. Some seeds fall by the wayside and the birds ate them. Other seeds landed on stony, rocky ground and because they cannot take root, they dry up. Still other seeds fall among the thorns and are chocked (suffocated) and therefore do not produce any fruit. The good ground that was prepared for seeds produced fruit. There was a 30, 60 and 100 times increase. What does this parable mean. Those with ears can hear. We, as believers are to know the mystery, the secret of the Kingdom of God. To others, this was only a parable (Isaiah 6:9,10). Jesus said this was a foundational doctrine of the Kingdom. To his disciples, the inner-circle, He...
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Encounter #11 : Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit Read: Mark 3:20-30 Multitudes continued to follow Jesus. His kinsfolk, His relatives, His family were concerned about Him. They said He was beside Himself- out of His senses. But Jesus knew what He was doing, and why He was doing it. The religious leaders said that Jesus was Beelzebub , the “lord of the flies.” They equated Jesus with the gods of the Ekronites, the Philistines and the Canaanites (2 Kings 1:2). Jesus was called the prince of demons, the god of the dunghills and identified with Satan himself. But Jesus is Lord! The good that Jesus did was considered to be works from Satan and that He deceived the people. Jesus said that if Satan's kingdom was divided, it could not stand. How can Satan cast out himself? Satan is God's enemy and everyone's enemy. Especially a Christian's enemy. The strong man, that is Satan, must first be bound and then his house can be destroyed. Jesus was manifeste...
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Encounter #12 : God's Family (the Church) Matters Read: Mark: 3:31-35 Jesus' mother and His brothers were outside the house asking to see Him. Jesus had half-brothers and sisters (see Matthew 13:55,56). They didn't believe that Jesus was Messiah and Savior until after His resurrection ( John 7:5). Then, on the Day of Pentecost they were in the Upper Room waiting for the Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4). Jesus asked the multitudes around Him if they knew who were His mother and brothers. He said those who do God's will are part of His family. Believers in Jesus do the will of God from their hearts (Eph. 6:6). Jesus was not disrespectful to His mother Mary, nor to His family. He knew His mother's care, love and devotion. Flesh and blood are important. But sometimes spiritual relationships are more closer. God loves family. The first family was Adam and Eve. Jesus was born into a family through a virgin called Mary. All who ar...
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Encounter #10 : Ordained, Appointed and Anointed Read: Mark: 3:13-19 The word Apostle means someone who is sent by the Holy Spirit; an ambassador of Jesus; commissioned by Father God; a messenger of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. An Apostle is sent on a mission. He is a missionary of the Gospel. Ephesians 4:11 mentions the 5 “ascension gifts” that Jesus gave to the Church. They are called the 5-fold-ministry. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He released these gifts, or offices to His Church. These offices are still in the Church today, and are still needed. One of them is the Apostle. Some Christians are called to be an Apostle. This is a calling from God. It is not a self-proclaimed Apostle, or someone who has gone to a school and trained to be an Apostle. They are called by the Holy Spirit. You may not have this office, but you are still called by God. The Scripture names the 12 original Apostles: Peter (Simon), James (the elder, the son of Zebedee), his ...
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Encounter #9 : Jesus Does Great Things Read: Mark 3:7-12 Large multitudes of people were following Jesus. He withdrew Himself from the crowds. We need to withdraw ourselves from the busyness and spend quiet times with Jesus. They heard of the great things He was doing. Because He loved them and had compassion on them He entered a fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee and taught them. As the crowds increased, Jesus healed their diseases and plagues. Even those who were possessed with unclean spirits fell down in front of Him and cried that Jesus was the Son of God. Demons knew who Jesus was and is. These impure, lewd, foul demons were obligated to acknowledge Jesus for Who He is: the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell Who He was because the people themselves needed to recognized Him as such, and it wasn't time for Him to set up His Kingdom. Religion doesn't endear us to the Lord, but a relationship with Him does...
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Encounter #8: The Crippled Hand Read: Mark 3:1-6 Jesus was in the synagogue again teaching. A man with a withered, shriveled, paralyzed, crippled hand was also there. According to Jewish Law this man shouldn't have been in the Temple because he was considered unclean. But he has a need. The Pharisees were watching whether Jesus would heal this man on the Sabbath day. Are you looking to Jesus to do something for you no matter what this day is like? The man was told by Jesus to stand up and be in front of everyone. It wasn't to embarrass him but it was for him to exercise his faith. Jesus asked the crowd if it was better to do good or evil, or to save a life or to kill on the Sabbath. The obvious answer was: to do good and to save a life. But everyone was silent. Jesus was moved with anger and compassion. Anger towards the religious man-made doctrines. But compassion towards the crippled man. God is always grieved and deeply distressed towards those with s...
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Encounter #7 : Lord of the Sabbath Read: Mark 2:23-28 The Sabbath Day is considered to be the 7 th day (Saturday). But every day should be a Sabbath for us. As Christians we set aside Sunday as our “Sabbath” because Jesus rose from the dead and the disciples often gathered on the “first day of the week: (Acts 20:7; 1 Corin.16:2). Here are some facts about the Sabbath Day. God blessed the 7 th day and made it holy (Gen.2:3). It was given for our spiritual and physical well-being. It's a day to re-affirm our trust in the Lord (by going to Church), and not our trust in the world (staying home). It renews our initial commitment to Jesus and other believers. It is a sign to the world that we have given ourselves to the Lord. By going to church on the “Sabbath,” it is a time for God to speak and act on our behalf. We follow Jesus' example because He went to the Synagogue (Luke 4:16). It gets the Devil mad. And Your gifts are needed by others. King David a...
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Encounter #6 : Fasting and Filling Read: Mark 2:18-22 Jesus states in Matthew 6:16-18 when you fast... He didn't say if you fast. Fasting is a Christian discipline. Many people of the Bible fasted: Moses, Elijah, Ezra, Daniel, Esther, David, the Nations of Israel and Nineveh, as well as Paul, the Disciples, and of course, Jesus, Himself. Jesus stated that while He was here on earth His followers didn't need to fast, but when He would leave, they needed to fast. Therefore, we need to be fasting. Why fast? Instead of eating we can pray and draw need to God. We can re-dedicate and re-commit ourselves to God's service. We can seek the Lord for guidance, wisdom and direction during our fasting. Physically our body will be cleansed of toxins. And by the Holy Spirit strongholds will be be broken in us and those we are praying for. Read Isaiah 58. Jesus is the Bridegroom, we are His guests. His children. He is coming back again. Until then we n...
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Encounter #5 : Jesus said “Follow Me” Read: Mark 2:13-17 While Jesus taught by the Sea of Galilee, thousands of people listened to Him. He met Levi, a tax collector. Levi was disliked by the Romans and the Jews. No one wanted to pay money to the Roman Empire. Jews working for the Romans were considered traitors and outcasts. Publicans often cheated people; charged them more and kept the extra money. They were often “well-to-do” because of their greed and extortion. They collected “hush money” to protect the guilty. They were shunned by the Jewish lawyers and Pharisees. Jesus meets with this type of person and says, Follow Me . Jesus did not say to follow others, yourself, some man-made-religious system or man-made rules and regulations. He said to follow Himself. The religious Jewish leaders found fault with Jesus because He ate with many publicans and sinners. Those that think they are whole, don't need a doctor. But the “sick” need Jesus. They need “...
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Encounter #4: What Paralyzes Me? Read: Mark 2:1-12 Jesus was preaching in an over-crowded house in Capernaum. There was standing room only. A paralyzed man wanted to see Jesus. Four of his friends carried him on his couch. But they couldn't get in the house. So they went up to the roof. What looked impossible, didn't prevent them from getting to Jesus. They tore up the roof and let down the man right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw the faith of the five men, He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” The religious teachers of the Law and Pharisees questioned Jesus' authority to forgive sins. But Jesus has the authority to forgive sins and to heal, because He is God. What is easier for Jesus to do? To prove He was God, and can forgive sin, Jesus healed the paralyzed man. God's original intention was never for people to live with sin, fear, sickness, disease and infirmity. All of these were a result of sin coming into the worl...
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Encounter #3: Prayer+Faith+Works=Results Read: Mark: 1:35-45 Jesus prayed in the early morning hours. Peter and others followed Him. Bring others with you as you pray. Be in agreement with other believers. People were seeking for Jesus. He went into the other towns to preach and bring deliverance to the captives. Those who are seeking for Jesus, bring them to Him. Pray with them and Jesus will do the rest. A leper came to Jesus to be made clean. Lepers were considered unclean. They were outcasts. He asked Jesus to heal him, if He wanted to. Jesus was moved with compassion and touched him. Jesus said “I will...” Jesus is willing to touch you today and heal you. Jesus has compassion on you. Jesus then told the cleansed leper to go to the Jewish priest so his healing would be verified. The Law of Leprosy is found in the book of Leviticus 14:1-31. The healed leper had to go through a religious ceremony to prove he was actually cleansed. The leper we...
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Encounter #2 Deliverance, Miracles & Healings In Jesus' Name Read: Mark 1:21-34 While Jesus was teaching as a Rabbi in the Synagogue in Capernaum, there was a man possessed with an unclean spirit. The spirit recognized Jesus a the Son of God, the Holy One of God, the Messiah. It didn't want to be tormented before its time. This unclean spirit was lewd, impure and foul. Jesus brought deliverance to this poor, tormented man. The spirit was cast out. Demons must obey His command. Jesus has all authority in Heaven and in earth. He is your Deliverer. When Jesus left the Synagogue, He went to Peter's mother-in-law's home. She had a fever. Jesus took her hand and healed her. She ministered to those who were at her home. The Miracle Worker was in the house. All things were possible. Jesus has a miracle for you today. That evening, the people of the city brought to Jesus those that were possessed, diseased and sick. Jesus healed them phy...
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Encounter #1: Repentance, Baptism & Fishers of Men Read :Mark 1:1-20 John Mark was a close friend of the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 5:13). His mother, Mary, lived in Jerusalem and Christians met in her home (Acts 12:12). He was related to Barnabas (Col.4:10). Mark assisted Paul on his first missionary journey (Acts 12:25,13:13;15:38). But Mark deserted Paul. However, later Mark was a great asset to Paul (2 Tim.4:11). John the Baptist preached repentance of sins and baptism in water. He was the forerunner of the Messiah Jesus. John baptized with water, but Jesus baptizes in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Son of God, God the Son, God in the flesh. We are to repent and believe the Gospel and follow Jesus. Simon Peter and Andrew his brother were fisherman. But Jesus called them to be “fishers of men.” James and his brother John were also fishermen. Jesus called them to follow Him. We are called to follow Jesus. Who are we following? Each other? We should be followi...