Encounter #1: 
Repentance, Baptism & Fishers of Men
Read :Mark 1:1-20

John Mark was a close friend of the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 5:13). His mother, Mary, lived in Jerusalem and Christians met in her home (Acts 12:12). He was related to Barnabas (Col.4:10). Mark assisted Paul on his first missionary journey (Acts 12:25,13:13;15:38). But Mark deserted Paul. However, later Mark was a great asset to Paul (2 Tim.4:11).

John the Baptist preached repentance of sins and baptism in water. He was the forerunner of the Messiah Jesus. John baptized with water, but Jesus baptizes in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Son of God, God the Son, God in the flesh.

We are to repent and believe the Gospel and follow Jesus. Simon Peter and Andrew his brother were fisherman. But Jesus called them to be “fishers of men.” James and his brother John were also fishermen. Jesus called them to follow Him.

We are called to follow Jesus. Who are we following? Each other? We should be following Jesus. Not a religion. Not someone's elses teachings. Not our own philosophies or opinions. Not a church. But Jesus. When we follow Him we will be following the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).
As we follow Jesus, we will also become “fishers of men.” We will bring others to Jesus. We will be witnesses of Jesus.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come to you in faith and trust. I ask that as I follow Your Son Jesus, I will be a fisher of men. Please show me who I can witness to and bring them to Jesus. I want to follow Jesus and bring others to Jesus. Thank you for the strength, wisdom and anointing. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

Application: Because you prayed, look for opportunities to witness for Jesus. The Holy Spirit will guide you. He will give you the words and anointing. If you have not been baptized in water as a believer, please make an effort to do so. Repentance leads to obedience. Obey the Gospel and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
Encounter Jesus: Receive His forgiveness, wisdom & grace.


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