Encounter #3:
Read: Mark: 1:35-45

Jesus prayed in the early morning hours. Peter and others followed Him. Bring others with you as you pray. Be in agreement with other believers. People were seeking for Jesus. He went into the other towns to preach and bring deliverance to the captives. Those who are seeking for Jesus, bring them to Him. Pray with them and Jesus will do the rest.

A leper came to Jesus to be made clean. Lepers were considered unclean.
They were outcasts. He asked Jesus to heal him, if He wanted to. Jesus was moved with compassion and touched him. Jesus said “I will...” Jesus is willing to touch you today and heal you. Jesus has compassion on you.

Jesus then told the cleansed leper to go to the Jewish priest so his healing would be verified. The Law of Leprosy is found in the book of Leviticus 14:1-31. The healed leper had to go through a religious ceremony to prove he was actually cleansed.

The leper went and told others what Jesus had done. He spread the good news to others. Many people came to see Jesus insomuch that He could not stay in the city, but went into the desert area. The leper couldn't keep his healing to himself, he had to tell others.

This portion of Scripture tells us about prayer, faith and works. When we pray we must believe that God will answer (Hebrews 11:6). The leper had faith Jesus would heal Him. Jesus wanted to heal him. When he was healed, the leper witnessed to others.
Do you want results of God's power in your life? Pray, have faith, put your faith to work and watch what God will do.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will use me as I put my faith to work. I know You answer pray and will honor my faith. Thank you for the results. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: What are you believing God for? Put your faith to work. Pray and step out in faith. God will come through for you. He is willing.
Encounter Jesus: Receive His power & anointing.


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