Encounter #5:
said “Follow Me”
Read: Mark
While Jesus
taught by the Sea of Galilee, thousands of people listened to Him. He
met Levi, a tax collector. Levi was disliked by the Romans and the
Jews. No one wanted to pay money to the Roman Empire. Jews working
for the Romans were considered traitors and outcasts. Publicans
often cheated people; charged them more and kept the extra money.
They were often “well-to-do” because of their greed and
extortion. They collected “hush money” to protect the guilty.
They were shunned by the Jewish lawyers and Pharisees. Jesus meets
with this type of person and says, Follow Me.
Jesus did not
say to follow others, yourself, some man-made-religious system or
man-made rules and regulations. He said to follow Himself. The
religious Jewish leaders found fault with Jesus because He ate with
many publicans and sinners. Those that think they are whole, don't
need a doctor. But the “sick” need Jesus. They need “doctoring.”
Those who realize they have sinned and need a Savior need Jesus. Levi
knew he needed Jesus. Jesus told him to follow Him.
self-righteous, proud and self-sufficient think they do not need God.
But the sick, needy, down and out and lost know they need help. Levi
(Matthew) followed Jesus. He later wrote the Gospel of St. Matthew.
Jesus' call is
a call to make a decision. A call to repentance (change). A call to
service- to follow Him. Paul told Timothy that God has saved us
and called us with a holy calling; not according to our own works,
but according to His purpose and grace, which was given in Christ
before the world began (2 Tim. 1:9). Obey the Lord's calling on
your life.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that I will obey Your calling on my
life. I want to follow Jesus. Thank you for the grace and anointing
to fulfill Your calling . In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to someone so they can also
follow Jesus. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Don't be a
fault-finder, but be a grace-giver.
Jesus: Receive His grace now.
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