Encounter #14:
What Am I Hearing?
Read: Mark 4:21-25

Jesus came to reveal, not to conceal. There is nothing shady about what God says. God is light. His light overcomes the darkness. A lamp is to shine.
Truth shines through the darkness. We are to understand the truths of God's Word. Jesus does not have secret agent disciples! We are not to be fearful of being a witness for Jesus on our jobs, in school, at home and wherever we go. As believers, we have the truth: Jesus and His Word. Be attentive of what you are hearing from the Word. Pay attention and listen to what God is saying. The more you hear the Word, the more revelation you will receive from the Word.

Don't loose what you have heard from the Word. We are responsible for what we hear. The early church gladly received the Word (Acts 2:41). Some received the Word with eagerness of mind and continued to search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11). You have Pastors and godly leaders who can help you understand the Bible better. The Ethiopian needed Philip to help him (Acts 8:30,31). The jailer needed Paul and Silas to instruct him on salvation (Acts 16:30,31). The more we hear, the more we will receive.

God doesn't want His Word to be hidden to you, or others. What He has revealed to you, tell others. Don't hide the truth that God has revealed to you. If it is in the Word, it is truth. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Open your “ears” to what the Holy Spirit speaks to you from the Word. The Word and the Holy Spirit will never contradict one another.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. Give me understanding of it so I may know it and share it with others. Help me to hear what you are saying to me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Read the Bible daily. Read one chapter from the Old Testament and one chapter from the New Testament. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.
Encounter Jesus: Jesus wants to shine His love and understanding on you. Receive His wisdom and truth that He gives to you through His Holy Spirit. He will help you to hear and understand His Word more clearly. Receive His anointing now.


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