Encounter #13:
Am I Growing in Jesus?
Read: Mark 4:1-20

Jesus taught from a fishing boat in the Sea of Galilee to the multitudes. He taught them a parable (Ps.78:2). It was not a fairy tale. It was a story from everyday life that revealed a truth about God's Kingdom. It was the “Parable of the Sower.” A sower (farmer) plants seeds. Some seeds fall by the wayside and the birds ate them. Other seeds landed on stony, rocky ground and because they cannot take root, they dry up. Still other seeds fall among the thorns and are chocked (suffocated) and therefore do not produce any fruit. The good ground that was prepared for seeds produced fruit. There was a 30, 60 and 100 times increase.

What does this parable mean. Those with ears can hear. We, as believers are to know the mystery, the secret of the Kingdom of God. To others, this was only a parable (Isaiah 6:9,10). Jesus said this was a foundational doctrine of the Kingdom. To his disciples, the inner-circle, He explained it.

The sower plants the seed which is God's Word. It is sown in the heart's of people. The problem is not the seed (the Word), but it's how the seed is received. The “way-siders” are those who hear, but their understanding is shallow. They are those on the periphery of the Church - not committed. The “birds” come to steal, kill and destroy the Word that was heard (John 10:10). The “rocky hearts” receive the Word but it's only a superficial understanding. The Word doesn't germinate. They have no roots. They are not grounded. When troubles and persecution comes, they are offended and stumble on account of the truth of the Word. The “thorny hearts” hear the Word but cares, worries and money choke and suffocate what they have heard. There is not any fruit, no growth and no results. The prepared, good hearts hear and accept the Word. They apply it and they produce good fruit. They are teachable, yielded to the Holy Spirit, stay in fellowship and read the Word. What type of “ground” are you? What's the condition of your heart? All heard the Word, but how they understood it was different.

Prayer: Father help me to understand Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Application: Read the Word with a prepared heart and do what it says.
Encounter Jesus: Welcome the Holy Spirit and allow Jesus, the living Word to grow in you.


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