in French: Ascension de Jésus Lire: Marc 16:19-20 Avant que Jésus n’ascension physiquement au Ciel, Il donna ses ordres finaux : Matthieu 28:18-20 ; Marc 16:15-18; Luc 24: 50-53 et voir Jean 21:25. Jésus alors physiquement, avec son corps ressuscité monté ou a été pris et reçu jusqu’au ciel. Wow! Il est allé dans les nuages et a disparu hors de vue. Aucun autre chef « religieux » n’est même monté au Ciel physiquement comme Jésus l’a fait. S’ils prétendaient le faire, ils ne disaient pas la vérité. Quand Jésus atteignit le Ciel, il s’assit à la main droite de son Père. Cela indiquait un siège d’autorité, de pouvoir et d’honneur. Actes 1:1-11 stipule que deux anges sont descendus comme Jésus est monté. Ils ont dit aux disciples d’aller prêcher la Parole. Ils sont allés prêcher partout, et le Seigneur travaillait avec eux avec des signes suivants. Les signes étaient des indications que la Parole de Dieu était vraie, établie et garantie. Dieu confirme encore Sa Parole...
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in Spanish Encuentro #67: Ascensión de Jesús Lea: Marcos 16:19-20 Antes de que Jesús ascendiera físicamente al Cielo, dio Sus últimos mandamientos: Mateo 28:18-20; Marcos 16:15-18; Lucas 24:50-53 y véase Juan 21:25. Entonces Jesús físicamente, con Su cuerpo resucitado ascendido o fue recogido y recibido al Cielo. ¡Wow! Entró en las nubes y desapareció fuera de la vista. Ningún otro líder "religioso" ascendió físicamente al Cielo como Lo hizo Jesús. Si decían hacerlo, no decían la verdad. Cuando Jesús llegó al Cielo, se sentó a la mano derecha de Su Padre. Esto indicaba una sede de autoridad, poder y honor. Hechos 1:1-11 dice que dos ángeles bajaron cuando Jesús subió. Les dijeron a los discípulos que fueran a predicar la Palabra. Iban y predicaban por todas partes, y el Señor estaba trabajando con ellos con señales que seguían. Las señales eran indicios de que la Palabra de Dios era verdadera, establecida y guarsada. Dios todavía confirma Su Palabra con signos de salva...
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Encounter #67: Ascension of Jesus Read: Mark 16:19-20 Before Jesus physically Ascended in to Heaven, He gave His final commands: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24: 50-53 and see John 21:25. Jesus then physically, with His Resurrected body ascended or was taken up and received up into Heaven. Wow! He went into the clouds and disappeared out of view. No other "religious" leader even ascended into Heaven physically as Jesus did. If they claimed to do so, they were not telling the truth. When Jesus reached Heaven He sat down at His Father's right hand. This indicated a seat of authority, power and honor. Acts 1:1-11 states that two angels came down as Jesus went up. They told the disciples to go and preach the Word. They went and preached everywhere, and the Lord was working with them with signs following. The signs were indications that God's Word was true, established and guarantied. God still confir...
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in Cantonese..... 點解耶穌來了 閱讀: 馬克15:29-47 耶穌在十字架上, 路過的人嘲笑他。 佢哋叫佢救自己。 猶太領袖聽到耶穌話佢係彌賽亞, 彼拉多聽到佢話佢係猶太人的國王。 耶穌在十字架上等了六个小时。 佢請老竇畀佢哋, 並體驗佢老竇嘅缺席。 由中午到下午3点一直有天黑。 他大聲喊道: "一切結束了。" 佢完成佢嘅任務。 佢將佢嘅靈魂交親父的手中, 死咗。 發生地震, 聖殿嘅面紗由上親下都蒙上了一層。 十字架上的百岁老人驚呼耶穌係神的兒子。 耶穌被從十字架上移走, 放在墳墓裏。 為什麼耶穌要做一切? 佢點解死在十字架上? 答: 為我哋嘅辛酸。 佢為你和我而死 聖經話個個都犯了罪 (羅馬書 3:23;6:23)。 冇人係無辠嘅。 我哋應該受永遠的懲罰。 但神, 父派耶穌, 佢個仔, 取代我哋嘅位置。 他因死在十字架上, 他帶走了我所有的恩分 (約翰福音 3:16-19)。 佢 D 血有力量寬恕和洗淨我們的恩分 (約翰福音 1:7-9)。 如果我哋相信佢同佢所做嘅事, 我哋就會被原諒 (羅馬書 10:9-10)。 天堂係有準備嘅人帶嚟嘅地方 (約翰福音 14:1-6)。 耶穌係上天堂的唯一道路 (行為 4:12)。 你對耶穌所做的事有信心嗎? 接受耶穌作為你噶人主咊救主 (約翰福音 1:12)。 做好事, 做好事, 對你來說並不足以上天堂 (titus 3:5)。 你必須重生 (約翰福音...
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Encounter # 66 : Signs Follow Believers Read: Mark 16:17-18 Jesus tells us what signs will follow believers. A " sign" points to something. It is a seal applied to a document to prove that it is true, real and approved. Jesus said that certrain signs will point to Himself. These signs follow believers. If Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior, then you are a believer. You believe in Jesus, you believe the Bible is God's Word and you believe the full Gospel. These signs will accompany you as you go and preach. Because Jesus has all authority in heaven and in earth (Mt. 28:18), He has delegated this authority to all believers (Luke 10:19). What signs have Jesus given us t...
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#65: "Go & Preach" Read: Mark 16:15-16 Jesus told His disciples, and us, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. That means we are to go into all the Nations and preach the Good News. It is for everyone. It is for the whole creation. It is for all mankind. The Gospel is for every creed, culture, color, country and continent. Our weapon is the Gospel (I Corin, 1:18; Rom. 1:16). It is not hatred, killing, destroying and being deceptive. It is a Gospel of love, forgiveness and peace through Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be saved. Wat...
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in Italian: Jesus has risen from the dead... Gesù è risorto dai morti Leggi: Mark 16:1-14 Dopo il sabato, la domenica mattina presto ci fu un terremoto e la pietra che copriva la tomba di Gesù fu rotolata via. Un angelo disse: "Egli è risorto. Egli non è qui". Gesù si alzò fisicamente dai morti. Oggi è vivo. Gesù apparve a molte persone dopo che egli si alzò dai morti: i Suoi apostoli, 500 persone contemporaneamente... Rimase sulla terra per altri 40 giorni prima di salire in cielo. Perché la risurrezione di Gesù è importante? Dimostra che tutto quello che ha detto era vero. Dimostra che Egli è il Figlio di Dio. Dimostra che Egli conquistò la mort...
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Why Jesus Italian... Perché Gesù è venuto Leggi: Mark 15:29-47 Mentre Gesù era sulla croce, le persone che passavano Lo prendevano in giro. Gli dissero di salvarsi. I capi dei Giudei udirono Gesù dire che era il Messia, e Pilato lo sentì dire che era il re dei Giudei. Gesù è stato sulla croce per sei ore. Chiese a Suo Padre di perdonarli e sperimentò l'assenza di Suo Padre. C'era oscurità da mezzogiorno fino alle 15.00. Pianse a gran voce: "È finito". Mise il Suo spirito nelle mani del Padre e morì. Ci fu un terremoto, e il velo nel Tempio si squilò dall'alto verso il basso. Il Centurione alla croce ...
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Encounter # 64: Jesus has risen from the dead Read: Mark 16:1-14 After the Sabbath, early Sunday morning there was an earthquake and the stone that was covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away. An angel said, "He is risen. He is not here." Jesus rose from the dead just has He said. Jesus physically rose from the dead. He is alive today. Jesus appeared to many people after He rose from the dead: His apostles, 500 people at once.... He remained on earth for 40 more days before He ascended into heaven. Why is Jesus' Resurrection important? It proves that everything He said was true. It proves He is the Son of God. It shows that He conquered death and the grave. He defeated the devil's power. He open Hea...
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Encounter #63 : Why Jesus Came Read: Mark 15:29-47 As Jesus was on the cross, people passing by were mocking Him. They told Him to save Himself. The Jewish leaders heard Jesus say He was the Messiah, and Pilate heard Him say He was the King of the Jews. Jesus was on the cross for six hours. He asked His Father to forgive them, and experienced His Father's absence. There was darkness from noon until 3 pm. He cried with a loud voice, "It is finished." He accomplished His mission. He placed His spirit into the Father's hands a...
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Encounter #62 : King of the Jews Read: Mark 15:1-28 The second meeting of the Sanhedrin occurred. Jesus was asked if He was the King of the Jews. Jesus said, "What you are saying is true. You said it!" Jesus told them He was the King of the Jews. They considered this blasphemy. Jesus was sent to Governor Pilate. During the Passover season Pilate released a prisoner to the Jews. They wanted Barabbas. He was a thief and a murdered. Jesus was scourged and sent to be crucified. He was proclaimed as the King of the Jews. Simon of ...
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Encounter #61: Denial & Repentance Read: Mark 14:66-72 While Jesus was being tried for being the Messiah, Peter was being tried for being a follower of Jesus. A young girl who was a servant of the High Priest asked Peter if he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter denied he was. A Rooster crowed. Strike one. Another one told those around Peter that he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter again denied he was a disciple. Strike two. While he was around others, a maid said that he was a Galilean. His speech confirmed that he was. He denied Jesus again. The rooster crowed again. Strike three. Jesus looked at him. Peter remembered His words. Peter wept in repent...