#65:                                                   "Go & Preach"
                                                       Read: Mark 16:15-16

   Jesus told His disciples, and us, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. That means we are to go into all the Nations and preach the Good News. It is for everyone. It is for the whole creation. It is for all mankind. The Gospel is for every creed, culture, color, country and continent.

   Our weapon is the Gospel (I Corin, 1:18; Rom. 1:16). It is not hatred, killing, destroying and being deceptive. It is a Gospel of love, forgiveness and peace through Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be saved.

   Water Baptism is the outward sign of a believer in Jesus that the Gospel is true and we need to act upon it. Baptism doesn't save us from our sins. But believing in Jesus as our personal Lord and  Savior saves us (Acts 4:12). Only the blood of Jesus saves. Baptism means we believe in what Jesus has done for us on the cross. Those who choose not to believe on Jesus will be condemned. That means eternal separation from God in hell. 

Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:16-18), Our sins are what condemn us. They need to be judge. But if  you believe Jesus died in your place on the cross and you will receive Him as you Savior, you will be forgiven.

  Not only did Jesus give us this Great Commission, but He also told us how to make Great Converts. In Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus said He we  are to make disciples. We are to love the lost. Bring them the Gospel. Allow  the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin. And give them the opportunity to come to Jesus and be saved.

Prayer Father God,  thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Help me to tell others about the love of Jesus.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application:  Pray for someone who needs Jesus, and then wait for an open opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Be a witness of the love of God.

Encounter:  Receive the power and anointing from the Holy Spirit be  a witness for Jesus. Receive the love of the Father now.


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