
Showing posts from November, 2019
New Covenant in Italian: "La nuova alleanza" Leggi: Mark 14:22-31 Gesù fece il pasto di Pasqua con i Suoi 12 Apostoli. Ricordiamo questo avvenimento avendo la Comunione, o la Cena del Signore. Poi, che non celebriamo l'intero pasto pasquale durante la Comunione, usiamo il pane dispane per simboleggiare il Corpo di Gesù e il frutto della vite per rappresentare il Suo Sangue. Questo momento speciale è "cibo per la nostra anima" perché esaminiamo il nostro cuore e la nostra vita (1 Corin.11). Ricordiamo la morte del Signore, la sepoltura, la risurrezione e la Sua venuta. Mentre Gesù prese la terza coppa durante la Pasqua, disse che era il "sangue della Nuova Alleanza". Stava facendo riferimento a Geremia 31:31-37. Gesù usò il pane e il vino come segno esteriore. Rappresentava che il Suo corpo e il Suo sangue sarebbero stati offerti per i nostri peccati come sacrificio sulla croce. Questa era una "nuova alleanza". Non era un contratto. Un con...
New Covenant in Russian: "Новый завет" Читать: Марк 14:22-31 Иисус принял пасхадевскую трапезу с Его 12 Апостолами. Мы помним это событие, причащаясь, или ужин Господа. Будучи, что мы не празднуем всю пасхальное трапезу во время Причастия, мы используем неосвоенный хлеб, чтобы символизировать Тело Иисуса и плод виноградной лозы, чтобы представлять Его Кровь. Это особое время является «пищей для нашей души», потому что мы исследуем наши собственные сердца и жизни (1 Corin.11). Мы помним смерть Господа, погребение, Воскресение и Его приход снова. Когда Иисус взял 3-й кубок во время Пасхи, Он сказал, что это была «кровь Нового Завета». Он ссылался на Иеремию 31:31-37. Иисус использовал хлеб и вино как внешний знак. Он представлял, что Его тело и кровь будут предложены за наши грехи в качестве жертвы на кресте. Это был "новый завет". Это был не контракт. Контракт подписывается с чернилами, в то время как завет запечатан кровью. Контракт ограничен, имеет мелкий шрифт...
Encounter #56: “ The New Covenant” Read: Mark 14:22-31 Jesus had the Passover meal with His 12 Apostles. We remember this event by having Communion, or the Lord's Supper. Being that we do not celebrate the whole Passover meal during Communion, we use the unleaven bread to symbolize Jesus' Body and the fruit of the vine to represent His Blood. This special time is “food for our soul" because we examine our own hearts and lives (1 Corin.11). We remember the Lord's death, burial , Resurrection and His coming again. As Jesus took the 3 rd cup during Passover, He said it was the “blood of the New Covenant.” He was making reference to Jeremiah 31:31-37. Jesus used the bread and wine as an outward sign. It represented that His body and blood would be offered up for our sins as a sacrifice on the cross. This was a “new covenant”. It wasn't a contract. A contract is signed with ink, while a covenant is sealed with blood. A contract is limited, has fine pr...
Encounter #55 : “ Betrayed” Read: Mark 14:10-21 Judas was disappointed that Jesus wasn't going to overthrow the Roman government. He was one of the 12 apostles. Jesus previously rebuked the disciples for chastising the woman who anointed Him with her costly perfume ( Mark 14:1-9). Judas now seized the opportunity to betray Jesus. He went to the chief priests and they were glad to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave, to betray Jesus. It was Passover time and Jesus made plans to celebrate it together with His apostles. During the Passover meal Jesus stated that someone would betray Him. All of them responded with : “Is it I?” Jesus said the one who would dip with Him in the dish is the one. Three or four would use the same dish, but when Judas dipped, Jesus acknowledged him as the betrayer. Betrayal damages one's trust, safety and security. Parents, children, spouses, friends, family, institutions,church, etc. can betray you. Betrayal may be ca...
Encounter # 54: “ Nothing Done for Jesus is Wasted” Read: Mark 14:1-9 The plot to kill Jesus continued. But the religious authorities did not want to make a scene and do it during the Passover time. In the meantime, Jesus was at Simon the leper's house. Simon was no longer a leper, because if he was he would have been unclean, and living in a leper colony. Most likely Jesus healed him and now they were eating together. Jesus still heals and works miracles! While at supper a woman comes into the house (maybe Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus) because Jesus was in Bethany. She had an alabaster box of ointment. It was very costly, pure and genuine. She anointed Jesus with it. She anointed Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One for His burial. Judas was there and some other disciples (John 12:5). They were very angry and indignant that she “wasted” this expensive perfume on Jesus. They said it should have been given to the poor. Jesus said to leave her alone. Ther...
Encounter # 53: “ Take Heed, Watch & Pray” Read: Mark 13:24-37 Jesus talks about “those days” which are in the future. The same events are recorded in Revelation 6:12-17. The “Son of Man,” which is Jesus will be coming back in the clouds. Jesus is coming back in “great power and glory.” When these signs of the times begin to happen, we know that the return of Jesus is near. Jesus' words are “settled in heaven.” Even though we do not know the exact time of Jesus' return, we know it is certain. Therefore, we need to be awake, be on guard, be alert and take heed. We are to watching for His return. There is an appointed time for His coming back. In the meantime, Jesus gave us authority. We are to be doing His work. As Christians we are the porters. We are the gate-keepers. We are to watch our own relationship with Jesus and make sure others are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to be in prayer. Be in contact with the Lord at all times. We need to ...
Encounter #52: “ Be Alert” Read: Mark 13:14-23 Jesus continued to let the disciples know about what would happen in the near and far future. He spoke of the “abomination of desolation.” Daniel, the prophet said this event would happen (Dan. 9:25-27). What does it refer to? First, Jesus told of a time coming in which Jerusalem would be destroyed. This happened in 70AD when the Roman Emperor Titus set up his idols and made sacrifices to eagles in the Temple at Jerusalem. This was an abomination. The word “abomination” means something that is disgusting or smells bad. In the Bible it is usually in reference to false idols and heathen practices. Titus and his army then burned the Temple. But secondarily, Jesus was also stating that in the last days the anti-Christ would be in the Temple (after it is rebuilt in Jerusalem) proclaiming that he himself is god. Read 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11. Jesus told His disciples that they had to flee to the mountains to escsape the crises ...
Encounter # 51: “ Depend on the Holy Spirit” Read: Mark 13: 9-13 Jesus again says to be on the alert. Take heed. Be cautious. Keep yourself in check. Watch your own conduct and testimony. Behave. The world is watching you. How's your testimony for Jesus? A few years after Jesus spoke these words, Saul (Paul) was persecuting Christians. Peter and John were brought to King Herod. Paul, after getting saved appeared before Nero. Many of the early believers were brought before the Councils (higher courts) and Rulers and Kings (Roman authorities) because of their faith. Within 30 years most of the known world heard the Gospel (Asia, Middle East, Greece, Europe, Far East, Africa,etc.) The “sound of the Gospel had gone forth into all the world” (Rom. 10:18). The early Christians, and us today need to depend on the Holy Spirit. He speaks through us. Don't be fearful, anxious, distracted or nervous when your faith is challenged. The Spirit of God will give y...
Encounter # 50: “ Prophecies of Jesus are Being Fulfilled” Read: Mark 13:1-8 As Jesus and His disciples left the Temple in Jerusalem they commented on the stones and the beautiful Temple. Jesus said a time is coming when one stone will not be left upon another. Everything will be thrown down. They wanted to know when this would happen. What will be the sign when this will be fulfiled? Jesus said that they were not to be deceived. They were to be careful, on the alert, eyes wide opened and to be discerning. Jesus said many people will be coming claiming to be the Messiah. There will be wars, and rumors of wars. But they were not to be troubled. Nations will fight Nations. Kingdoms will battle with Kingdoms. There will be many earthquakes, famines and troubles. But this would only be the beginning of sorrows. These prophecies of Jesus were partially fulfilled when Titus, a Roman, attacked Jersualem in AD 70. But these words of Jesus also have a future fulf...
Encounter #49: “ Giving in Faith” Read: Mark 12:41-44 It's not the size of our gift, but it's the size of our faith. Jesus was in the Temple watching as people placed their offerings into the trumpet shaped offering baskets. There were 13 baskets. Nine of them were for legal dues, and 4 were for charitable contributions. The rich people cast in much of their surplus finances. A certain widow cast in 2 mites. Jesus was watching who was there, not what they were doing. He knew their hearts and their attitudes. Jesus said that the widow woman cast in more than anyone else. She gave even though she was in need herself. Others cast in of their abundance. It wasn't any sacrifice for them. The widow gave her living. It wasn't how much they gave, it was how much was left over. She had nothing left over. God measures our giving by our love, devotion, sacrifice and faith. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 states that we are not to give out of grief, but hilariously. God...
In Russian:   Don't  Lose Heart.Не теряйте сердце Не унывайте Ибо наши светлые и сиюминутные беды достигают для нас вечной славы, которая намного перевешивает их всех. (2 Коринфянам 4:17) Неприятности в этой жизни сиюминутны по сравнению с грядке славы. Эти беды даже помогают подготовить нас к этой славе тем более. Что такое слава? Это красота, чудо, великолепие и великолепие Бога. И христиане получают долю в том, что!! Все мы подвергемся бедам, лишениям и горю в этой жизни. Возможно, вы еще не прошли через многое, но вы будете. Это часть жизни в разбитом мире. Личная борьба. Депрессии. Тревоги. Наркомании. Больные члены семьи. Смерти. Когда вы подвергаетесь неприятностям, лишениям и горю, это должно заставить вас долго и голодать все больше стоять в славе. Чтобы поделиться красотой Иисуса. Увидеть его лицо. Чтобы его ногти пронзили руки вытереть плачущие глаза! Ты должен пройти через трудные вещи. Продолжай. Не унывайте - знайте, что что-то лучше, бесконечно лучше идет!...