Encounter #56:
The New Covenant”
Read: Mark 14:22-31

Jesus had the Passover meal with His 12 Apostles. We remember this event by having Communion, or the Lord's Supper. Being that we do not celebrate the whole Passover meal during Communion, we use the unleaven bread to symbolize Jesus' Body and the fruit of the vine to represent His Blood. This special time is “food for our soul" because we examine our own hearts and lives (1 Corin.11). We remember the Lord's death, burial , Resurrection and His coming again.

As Jesus took the 3rd cup during Passover, He said it was the “blood of the New Covenant.” He was making reference to Jeremiah 31:31-37. Jesus used the bread and wine as an outward sign. It represented that His body and blood would be offered up for our sins as a sacrifice on the cross. This was a “new covenant”. It wasn't a contract. A contract is signed with ink, while a covenant is sealed with blood. A contract is limited, has fine print, motivated by a need to get something and is an agreement. But a covenant is forever, with large print (it's obvious), it gives something and it is a pledge.

Marriages, friendships and realtionships to God are  covenants, not  contracts. By Jesus dying on the cross He pledged, made a covenant lasting forever, did it in the open, sealed it with His own blood, and was motivated by love. His covenant offers: forgiveness, salvation, healing, new life, power over Satan, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, access to God's Throne, mercy, grace, strength, protection, deliverance, and much more! Have you made a covenant with Jesus?

As Jesus and His 11 Apostles left the Passover table (Judas went to betray Him), they went to the Mount of Olives singing the Psalms. They sang Psalms 113-118. Jesus was a singer. God, our Father sings over us (Zephaniah 3:17). Let us sing our praises to Them! Shortly after this Jesus said that all the Apostles will leave Him and Peter will deny Him. This happened just as Jesus said. Let us not be as proud (1 Corin. 10:12).

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins and sicknesses, and allowing me to covenant with Him. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Receive the benefits of this new covenant which Jesus sealed with His own blood. Receive salvation and wholeness.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus loves you and offers you a new life. Let Him bless you with all that you need. Receive His mercy, grace and healing now.


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