Encounter # 50:

Prophecies of Jesus are Being Fulfilled”
Read: Mark 13:1-8

As Jesus and His disciples left the Temple in Jerusalem they commented on the stones and the beautiful Temple. Jesus said a time is coming when one stone will not be left upon another. Everything will be thrown down. They wanted to know when this would happen. What will be the sign when this will be fulfiled? Jesus said that they were not to be deceived. They were to be careful, on the alert, eyes wide opened and to be discerning.

Jesus said many people will be coming claiming to be the Messiah. There will be wars, and rumors of wars. But they were not to be troubled. Nations will fight Nations. Kingdoms will battle with Kingdoms. There will be many earthquakes, famines and troubles. But this would only be the beginning of sorrows.

These prophecies of Jesus were partially fulfilled when Titus, a Roman, attacked Jersualem in AD 70. But these words of Jesus also have a future fulfillment. There is coming a time when these events will be on the increase. Jesus is coming back. He told us to watch for these signs. But we are not to be fearful. Read Matthew 24. Be discerning and alert.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for Your Word. It prepares me for the future and encourages me now. Help me to stay alert. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Tell others about the signs of the times and Jesus' soon return.

Encounter Jesus: Receive the love, comfort and joy of the Holy Spirit in spite of circumstances and trials.


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