Encounter #52:
Be Alert”
Read: Mark 13:14-23

Jesus continued to let the disciples know about what would happen in the near and far future. He spoke of the “abomination of desolation.” Daniel, the prophet said this event would happen (Dan. 9:25-27). What does it refer to? First, Jesus told of a time coming in which Jerusalem would be destroyed. This happened in 70AD when the Roman Emperor Titus set up his idols and made sacrifices to eagles in the Temple at Jerusalem. This was an abomination. The word “abomination” means something that is disgusting or smells bad. In the Bible it is usually in reference to false idols and heathen practices. Titus and his army then burned the Temple. But secondarily, Jesus was also stating that in the last days the anti-Christ would be in the Temple (after it is rebuilt in Jerusalem) proclaiming that he himself is god. Read 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11.

Jesus told His disciples that they had to flee to the mountains to escsape the crises coming. There would be afflicition and destruction that had not occurred since the Creation, neither would be again. But for the elect's sake, those chosen and saved, the days will be shortened. The famines, plagues, killings and destruction that would occur would destroy everyone if God doesn't intervene. False Messiahs and false prophets will try to lead God's people astray. But Jesus again states to be alert. Be on your guard. He said these things will happen. Trust Jesus. Keep the faith.

Prayer: Father, give me the strength, discerning and grace I need. Help me to be aware and alert of any deceptions or lies from the Devil and people. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Read the Word, attend church, have fellowship with believers, and pray that your faith will sustain you and that the Holy Spirit will keep you.

Encounter Jesus: Jesus will never leave you. Receive His presence, power and anointing to keep you safe and secure.


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