Encounter #49:
Giving in Faith”
Read: Mark 12:41-44

It's not the size of our gift, but it's the size of our faith. Jesus was in the Temple watching as people placed their offerings into the trumpet shaped offering baskets. There were 13 baskets. Nine of them were for legal dues, and 4 were for charitable contributions. The rich people cast in much of their surplus finances. A certain widow cast in 2 mites. Jesus was watching who was there, not what they were doing. He knew their hearts and their attitudes. Jesus said that the widow woman cast in more than anyone else. She gave even though she was in need herself. Others cast in of their abundance. It wasn't any sacrifice for them. The widow gave her living. It wasn't how much they gave, it was how much was left over. She had nothing left over.

God measures our giving by our love, devotion, sacrifice and faith. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 states that we are not to give out of grief, but hilariously. God loves a cheerful giver. The Church in Antioch gave to the Church in Jerusalem (Acts 11:29).

Romans 2:8 says we are to give with simplicity. Our financial offerings are were we choose for them to go: missions, building fund, various needs in the Church. Our Tithes are 10% of our weekly earnings. That goes directly into the Church we attend faithfully. Once it is out of our hands, it is out of our hands! We give it to the Lord. We give in faith. No strings attached.

Our giving isn't just finances. It is our time, resources, blessings, etc. also. Are we faithful givers to the Lord's House? He sees our hearts.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be faithful to you in the giving of my finances, time, talents, abilities and resources to my Church. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Give out of your heart to someone in need.

Encounter Jesus: Acknowledge that Jesus is watching you as you give. He notices your attitude. Receive His blessings and encouragement.


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