Encounter # 54:
Nothing Done for Jesus is Wasted”
Read: Mark 14:1-9

The plot to kill Jesus continued. But the religious authorities did not want to make a scene and do it during the Passover time. In the meantime, Jesus was at Simon the leper's house. Simon was no longer a leper, because if he was he would have been unclean, and living in a leper colony. Most likely Jesus healed him and now they were eating together. Jesus still heals and works miracles!

While at supper a woman comes into the house (maybe Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus) because Jesus was in Bethany. She had an alabaster box of ointment. It was very costly, pure and genuine. She anointed Jesus with it. She anointed Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One for His burial. Judas was there and some other disciples (John 12:5). They were very angry and indignant that she “wasted” this expensive perfume on Jesus. They said it should have been given to the poor. Jesus said to leave her alone.

There will always be people finding fault with those who do good things. There will be murmurers. The woman gave proof of her faith and love for Jesus. She had done what she could. It was from her heart. What she had to do, she did. Jesus said that wherever this Gospel is preached it would be a memorial of her love. She left a legacy.

What are you going to be remembered for ? What legacy are you leaving for your family, friends and others? Jesus gave His approval of her actions. What she did was not a waste. God keeps the books. What you do for Jesus is never wasted. It is never a waste of time to serve Jesus.

Prayer: Father God, help me to serve Jesus with all my heart and strength. I want to do what is pleasing to you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Find opportunities where you can serve Jesus by serving others.

Encounter Jesus: Let Jesus pour His love and compassion on you. Receive His anointing.


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