Encounter #48: “ The Messiah with a Message” Read: Mark 12:35-40 While Jesus was in the Temple He was questioned about the Messiah being the “son of David.” How could King David call the Lord his Lord and the Lord be also David's son? (Psalm 110:1). David was anointed, inspired and influenced by the Holy Spirit to proclaim this awesome revelation. The Lord, (HaShem, God the Father, Jehovah), said to David's Lord (Adonai, Messiah) sit on my right hand... This verse is the most quoted in the New Testament. It's quoted 27 times. Therefore, it is of utmost importance. In the Jewish writings Psalm 110 is considered a Psalm about the Messiah. What was David and Jesus saying? God, the Father was calling His Son, Lord. There is only One Lord, and He is Jesus. Jesus is called the Son of David, the Lord, the Messiah. As God, Jesus always existed. As the Son of David He was a descendant from the lineage of David. Jesus is God in the flesh (1 John 5:1). The Me...
Showing posts from October, 2019
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Encounter #47: “ Love God & Love Your Neighbor” Read: Mark 12:28-34 Now it was time for the Jewish Scribes to challenge Jesus. The Scribes were those who taught Jewish Law. Jesus previously answered the Sadducees, Pharisees and Herodians beautifully well. He had wisdom and understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures. Out of all the Jewish Laws which is the first and most fundamental? There are 613 laws. Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is One.” You are to love Him with all your heart (sincerely), soul (emotions), mind (intellect) and strength (intensity). We are to acknowlwdge God as the Self-Existent, Independent, Infinite, Eternal and Great I Am. There is only one God, Who has revealed Himself as three distinct and seperate persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is the first commandment. The second commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. There are no great commandments than these (Lev. 19:18; Jam...
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You need Jesus in Russian: " введите вечность без Иисуса!" Читать: Марк 12:18-27 Еврейские религиозные лидеры, называемые Садуки, не верили ни в послежизнь, ни в воскресение, ни в ангелов, ни в демонов. Ой! Они были духовными лидерами?! Иисус снова был оспорен. Иисусбыл был представлен с ситуацией, что Моисей писал о в Второзаконие 25:5. Если мужчина женится на женщине и умирает без детей, то брат мужа должен жениться на ней. Если он умирает без детей, то его брат женится на ней и т.д. ... Если у женщины когда-либо будет ребенок, она будет иметь имя и наследство первого мужа. Задача, представленная Иисусу, состоит в том, что у всех семи братьев, вышедших замуж за женщину, не было детей. Вопрос был в том, чья она будет женой? Кто будет ее мужем? Иисус ответил, заявив, что Садуки были по ошибке. Они не знали Писания. Они также не знали Божьей силы. Иисус прояснил это, заявив, что, когда они восстанут в воскресении, они будут как ангелы. Иисус сказал, что будет воскресение...
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You need Jesus in Polish "Nie wprowadz wieczności bez Jezusa!" CZYTA: Marka 12:18-27 Żydowscy przywódcy religijni nazwani Saduceuszy nie wierzyli w życie po życiu, ani zmartwychwstanie, ani aniołowie, ani demony. Wow! Byli przywódcami duchowymi? Jezus znów został zakwestionowany. Jezus został przedstawiony w sytuacji, że Mojżesz napisał o w Księdze Powtórzonego Prawa 25:5. Jeśli człowiek poślubia kobietę i umiera bez dzieci, to brat męża jest poślubić ją. Jeśli umiera bez dzieci, to jego brat poślubia ją, etc.... Jeśli kobieta kiedykolwiek ma dziecko, będzie miał imię i nazwisko męża pierwszego i dziedziczenia. Wyzwanie przedstawione Jezusowi jest to, że wszyscy siedmiu braci, którzy poślubił kobietę nie miał dzieci. Pytanie brzmi, którego żona będzie? Kto będzie jej mężem? Jezus odpowiedział, stwierdzając, że Saducees byli w błędzie. Nie znali pisma świętego. Ani nie znają mocy Bożej. Jezus go oczyścił, stwierdzając, że kiedy zmartwychwstaną, będą jak aniołowie. Jezus ...
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Encounter #46 : “ Don't Enter Eternity Without Jesus!” Read: Mark 12:18-27 The Jewish religious leaders called Sadducees did not believe in an after- life, nor the resurrection, nor angels nor demons. Wow! They were spiritual leaders?! Jesus was again challenged. Jesus was presented with a situation that Moses wrote about in Deuteronomy 25:5. If a man marries a woman and he dies without children, then the husband's brother is to marry her. If he dies without children, then his brother marries her, etc.... If the woman ever has a child, it will have the first husband's name and inheritance. The challenge presented to Jesus is that all the seven brothers who married the woman had no children. The question was, whose wife will she be? Who will be her husband? Jesus responded by stating that the Saducees were in error. They didn't know the Scriptures. Neither did they know God's power. Jesus cleared it up by stating that when they rise in the resurrect...
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Encounter #45: “ Pitfalls” Read: Mark 12:13-17 Again the religious leaders (Pharisees) and the Government (Herodians) were trying to trap Jesus. They wanted to catch Him. They were “hunting” Him down to entangle Him, so they could destroy Him. People will try to set up “pitfalls” against you. They want to hunt you down and destroy your testimony. Remain faithfull. Stay true to the Lord and His Word. Jesus was asked that if it was “lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?” Should they “give, or not give?” Jesus knew their hypocrisy. They were testing Him. They showed Him a penny. Whose image and name was on it? Tiberius Caesar was on it. Jesus said to give to Caesar what was due him, and give to God what He deserved. Jesus showed a distinction between Caesar and God. Caesar was considered a god. But Jesus set that straight. There is only one God. Also, government is ordained by God. The government order comes from God, but the types of governement are man-made. We...