“Don't Enter
Eternity Without Jesus!”
Read: Mark
The Jewish
religious leaders called Sadducees did not believe in an after- life,
nor the resurrection, nor angels nor demons. Wow! They were spiritual
leaders?! Jesus was again challenged. Jesus was presented with a
situation that Moses wrote about in Deuteronomy 25:5. If a man
marries a woman and he dies without children, then the husband's
brother is to marry her. If he dies without children, then his
brother marries her, etc.... If the woman ever has a child, it will
have the first husband's name and inheritance. The challenge
presented to Jesus is that all the seven brothers who married the
woman had no children. The question was, whose wife will she be? Who
will be her husband?
responded by stating that the Saducees were in error. They didn't
know the Scriptures. Neither did they know God's power. Jesus cleared
it up by stating that when they rise in the resurrection they will be
like the angels. Jesus said there will be a resurrection, and that
there are angels. Life continues beyond the grave. There is an
after-life. There are no marriage relationships in heaven. We will
know one another, but there will be no marriages. God is the God of
the living. All who died are still alive. They are either in Heaven
or in Hell. Physically one dies, but spiritually they live on. The
question is where will one spend eternity?
Father God, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die for my
sins. I believe He is my Savior. He has prepared a place for me in
Heaven. Help me to tell others about Your love. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Read God's Word. It is truth. Don't be tricked into believing lies.
Know God and know His Word. Tell someone about God's love.
Jesus: Realize Jesus loves you. He knows you. He has given you
His Word. Trust Him for everything and everyone.
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