Encounter #48:
The Messiah with a Message”
Read: Mark 12:35-40

While Jesus was in the Temple He was questioned about the Messiah being the “son of David.” How could King David call the Lord his Lord and the Lord be also David's son? (Psalm 110:1). David was anointed, inspired and influenced by the Holy Spirit to proclaim this awesome revelation. The Lord, (HaShem, God the Father, Jehovah), said to David's Lord (Adonai, Messiah) sit on my right hand... This verse is the most quoted in the New Testament. It's quoted 27 times. Therefore, it is of utmost importance. In the Jewish writings Psalm 110 is considered a Psalm about the Messiah.

What was David and Jesus saying? God, the Father was calling His Son, Lord. There is only One Lord, and He is Jesus. Jesus is called the Son of David, the Lord, the Messiah. As God, Jesus always existed. As the Son of David He was a descendant from the lineage of David. Jesus is God in the flesh (1 John 5:1). The Messiah was David's Lord. Throughout the New Testament we read that Jesus is Lord and Messiah. Mary, Martha, Paul, Peter, Andrew, an angel, and demons proclaimed such. The people gladly heard Jesus and were satisfied with His answer.

But Jesus said to be aware of the Scribes and their hypocrisy. They were arrogant, proud, sneaky and theives. They tried to cover their sins by making long prayers. They abused widows and orphans. They will receive greater judgment because they seemed religious on the outside, but were hypocrites. Their religion disguised their sins. Jesus, the Messiah had a message for them and us. Believe He is the Messiah, and Lord and practice what we preach.

Prayer: Father, God, forgive me for not practing what I preach. Forgive me of any hyprocisy and help me to live for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Tell someone about the Messiah Jesus. That He is your Lord and Savior.

Encounter Jesus: Realize Jesus is God in the flesh. He is all powerful. He meets your needs. He loves you and forgives all sin. Receive His love.


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