“Love God &
Love Your Neighbor”
Mark 12:28-34
Now it was
time for the Jewish Scribes to challenge Jesus. The Scribes were
those who taught Jewish Law. Jesus previously answered the Sadducees,
Pharisees and Herodians beautifully well. He had wisdom and
understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures. Out of all the Jewish
Laws which is the first and most fundamental? There are 613 laws. Jesus quoted from
Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is
One.” You are to love Him with all your heart (sincerely), soul
(emotions), mind (intellect) and strength (intensity). We are to
acknowlwdge God as the Self-Existent, Independent, Infinite, Eternal
and Great I Am. There is only one God, Who has revealed Himself as
three distinct and seperate persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This
is the first commandment.
The second
commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. There are no great
commandments than these (Lev. 19:18; James 2:8). The Scribe said that
Jesus answered well. Jesus said the truth. Loving God and our
neighbors is more important than all the rituals, ceremonies and
outward religious practices that can be done. Jesus said the scribe
was not far from the Kingdom of God. He was close to becoming a
follower of Jesus and the Gospel. Did the Scribe follow Jesus? We are
not told.
But how many
people are close to God's Kingdom and they never enter it? They may
have the knowledge, the morals, the “church”, the theology, but
no relationship with Jesus. King Agrippa was “almost persuaded”
by Paul to become a Christian (Acts 26:28). But he didn't. Let's love
God & our neighbors and have a personal relationship with God
through Jesus Christ.
Dear Father, help me to love You with my whole being, and to love my
neighbors. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Tell God you love Him and show it through actions. Tell your
neighbors that God loves them.
Jesus: Receive the love of God for your neighbors and family. He
will give you the love you need. Love Him with all your mind, body, soul,
heart & strength.
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