Encounter #33 : Changes Read: Mark 9:1-10 Jesus said that there were some who were with Him that would not “taste of death” until they would see the Kingdom of God come in power. Some would not die until they saw God's Kingdom come in power. This implies 3 things. First, in six days Peter, James and John would see God's power and glory revealed in Jesus (vv.3-4). Secondarily, that on the Day of Pentecost the 120 would experience the power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2). And thirdly, that the disciples would be witnesses of Jesus after His resurrection from the dead. My prayer is that you would experience God's Kingdom in power before you “taste of death.” Jesus was transfigured (transformed) right before their eyes. His whole being was changed from the inside, out. His clothing gleamed brighter than the sun. We also need to be transformed from the inside, out (Romans 121:1-2; 2 Corin. 3:18). Elijah and Moses began talking to J...
Showing posts from April, 2019
Jesus is Alive
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Read: Mark 16:1-15 Very early on a Sunday morning, while it was still dark, a group of women went to the tomb where Jesus was buried after His crucifixion. As they were walking and talking the sun began to rise. They were carrying the spices needed to embalm Jesus. Their main concern was that who will remove the very large and heavy stone at the entrance to Jesus' tomb. Suddenly, there was an earthquake (the Gospel of Matthew records this). To the women's surprise the stone was already rolled away. Angels were present at the tomb (recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, John and Luke). "He is risen. He is not here." Jesus was alive! One angel told the women to tell the disciples, and especially Peter. They went their way, but most didn't believe their testimony at first. What can we learn from this miraculous event? 1) God has taken care of everything :The women stressed over who will remove the stone. God already took care of it. He rolled the stone away...
Jesus Deserves Praise!
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Matthew 21:1-17: During Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt. This was a fulfillment of Zech. 9:9 & Is. 62:11. He didn't ride a horse, meaning He was going to conqueror. He came as the Redeemer. He acquired the colt through His disciples by stating to its owner that their Lord had need of him. Jesus is the Lord God. Praise Him! Jesus was hailed as the King. He is the King of Kings. He's King of the Jews and the Gentiles. Praise Him! As Jesus entered Jerusalem the crowd placed their outer garments and palm branches on His path. It was during this exact time that the Passover lamb was being brought into Jerusalem to be sacrificed. Jesus is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. Praise Him! Multitudes went before Him, and multitudes followed Him crying out, "Hosanna to the Son of David..." He was acknowledge as their Messiah. Jesus is the Messiah. Praise Him! The crowds also proclaimed that Jesus was the...
Prepare for Revival
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Isaiah 54:2= Enlarge the place of your tent. Clear out the ground. Get rid of the rocks. weeds and furrows. Repent of your sins and weights that prevent you for growing. Make the place where your tent is larger and cleaner. And stretch out your curtains. What's hanging on you? Get rid of it. It is time to stretch. Let the Lord stretch you. Because He called you, He will equip you. Allow the Holy Spirit to use you. You can fulfil God's destiny for your life with the help of the Holy Spirit. Spare not! No matter the cost or pains, be ready for God to move through you. Don't restrain or refrain. Get going. Lengthen your cords. Reach out further. Step out in faith. Walk on water. Trust & obey. This is a time of acceleration of the revelation. What God has revealed to you, will come to pass, speedily. The Holy Spirit is falling on all flesh. Be ready to preach the Gospel. Get grounded in Jesus! ...
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Jesus is Lord in Italian: Ora è il momento di riconoscere che Gesù Cristo è l'unico Signore, Messia e Salvatore. Ora è il giorno della vostra salvezza! Pentitevi dei vostri peccati e credete che Gesù è morto per voi sulla croce. E si alzò dai morti. Poesie: Giovanni 14:6; Atti 4:12; Giovanni 3:16; Romani 10:9, 10; Efesini 2:8, 9; Giovanni 1:12; Atti 16:31 Entra nel tuo cuore ora. È la tua unica speranza. Egli è la vostra salvezza: Salmo 27:1, 23 Credete al Signore Gesù Cristo e sarete salvi. Gesù è l'unico modo per il cielo. Non c'è altro modo. Non è chiaro e semplice? Proclamate Gesù Cristo Signore della mia vita!
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Encounter #32: “ Take Up Your Cross” Read: Mark 8:34-38 Jesus called His disciples and the people to follow Him. He told them to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. Whoever was willing to follow Jesus continually were also to deny themselves. What were they to deny? Selfishness, pride, ambitions and plans were a few areas that needed to be re-examined. What have you denied yourself of? What cross are you carrying? It's not a cross of sin and/or sickness because Jesus already paid the price for these on His cross. What cross are you called to take up? The cross is the symbol of death, shame, ridicule, rejection, self-denial, and difficulties. The cross means commitment to Jesus even unto death. It's the willingness to even die for Jesus if we have to. We must obey Jesus even though it may be painful and humiliating at times. But remember Jesus didn't only say to take up your cross, He said to follow Him also. As we “bear our cross” we still...