Encounter #33:
Read: Mark 9:1-10
Jesus said that there were some who were with Him that would not “taste of death” until they would see the Kingdom of God come in power. Some would not die until they saw God's Kingdom come in power. This implies 3 things. First, in six days Peter, James and John would see God's power and glory revealed in Jesus (vv.3-4). Secondarily, that on the Day of Pentecost the 120 would experience the power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2). And thirdly, that the disciples would be witnesses of Jesus after His resurrection from the dead. My prayer is that you would experience God's Kingdom in power before you “taste of death.”

Jesus was transfigured (transformed) right before their eyes. His whole being was changed from the inside, out. His clothing gleamed brighter than the sun. We also need to be transformed from the inside, out (Romans 121:1-2; 2 Corin. 3:18).

Elijah and Moses began talking to Jesus about His forthcoming death (Luke 9:31). These Old Testament personalities represented the Prophets and the Law, respectively. Both foretold the Messiah's coming. Peter, being fearful didn't know what to say. He suggested to build three booths. One for Jesus, one for Elijah and a third for Moses. But a cloud overshadowed them and God, the Father said, “This is my beloved Son, hear Him.” Jesus fulfilled the Law and the words of the prophets. We are to hear the words of Jesus.

Jesus told them not to say anything about what they experienced until after His resurrection. They questioned among themselves as to what the “rising from the dead” meant.

Jesus changed His form during this event. We are to have a change in our hearts and lives. Peter, James and John had to change the way they viewed Scriptures. Jesus was their Messiah. We need to see Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God, the Lord God Almighty. And when Jesus rose from the dead He had a changed body. We also will be changed into our glorified bodies.

Prayer: Dear Father, please change my heart, my ways and my plans. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Apply God's Word to your heart and be changed for His glory.

Encounter Jesus: Receive God's power to change into Jesus' image.


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