Jesus is Alive

Read: Mark 16:1-15

Very early on a Sunday morning, while it was still dark, a group of women went to the tomb where  Jesus was buried after His crucifixion. As they were walking and talking the sun began to rise. They were carrying the spices needed to embalm Jesus. Their main concern was that who will remove the very large and heavy stone at the entrance to Jesus' tomb. Suddenly, there was an earthquake (the Gospel of Matthew records this). To the women's surprise the stone was already rolled away. Angels were present at the tomb (recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, John and Luke). "He is risen. He is not here." Jesus was alive! One angel told the women to tell the disciples, and especially Peter. They went their way, but most didn't believe their testimony at first.

  What can we learn from this miraculous event?
1) God has taken care of everything:The women stressed over who will remove the stone. God already took care of it. He rolled the stone away. What has you worried, distressed or discouraged? God already knows. Cast your cares on Him.

2) God's Not Dead:  Jesus has risen from the dead. He is alive right now. Because He lives, you can live also. You can face today, tomorrow and the future. Jesus is with you.

3) Jesus still singles you out: The angel singled out Peter. He was the one who denied Jesus three times. But Jesus still had a plan and purpose for him. Jesus has called you out. He has a specific ministry and destiny for your life.  He knows you name.

4) Be a witness, even if others don't believe your testimony at first: The women told others that Jesus was alive. Their testimony was doubted at first. But later the doubters believed. Tell your testimony to the doubters and unbelievers. Be a witness that Jesus is alive in your life. Plant a seed. Others will water. God will bring the increase. 

5) Get right with God, and then Go: Jesus rebuked the disciples for their unbelief. Their hearts were hard. But Jesus told them to go and preach the Word. Confess your sin. Your hardness. Your fears, doubts, worries, etc., and then go and preach the Word.

Because Jesus lives, His power and anointing is with you.


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