Jesus Deserves Praise!

Matthew 21:1-17: During Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt. This was a fulfillment of Zech. 9:9 & Is. 62:11. He didn't ride a horse, meaning He was going to conqueror. He came as the Redeemer. He acquired the colt through His disciples by stating to its owner that their Lord had need of him. Jesus is the Lord God. Praise Him!

   Jesus was hailed as the King. He is the King of Kings. He's King of the Jews and the Gentiles. Praise Him!

   As Jesus entered Jerusalem the crowd placed their outer garments and palm branches on His path. It was during this exact time that the Passover lamb was being brought into Jerusalem to be sacrificed. Jesus is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. Praise Him!

   Multitudes went before Him, and multitudes followed Him crying out, "Hosanna to the Son of David..." He was acknowledge as their Messiah. Jesus is the Messiah. Praise Him!

   The crowds also proclaimed that Jesus was the Prophet of Nazareth. Jesus is the Prophet spoken by Moses (Deut. 18). Jesus is God's true Prophet. Praise Him!

   While in Jerusalem, Jesus cleansed the Temple courts again. He said His House is a House of Prayer. He is  our great High Priest. Praise Him!

   After He removed the money-changers from His House, He healed the blind and lame. Jesus is your Healer. Praise Him!

  The religious got upset that the children were praising Jesus. Jesus stated that He deserved the praised. It was pure, perfected, purposeful, and personal praise. The word for praise also means "to tell a story." We all have a story about who we were before we accepted Jesus, and still have a story on how He keeps us.  Your praise to Jesus is thanksgiving for all He has done for you. Praise Him!

 Jesus deserves our praise because He is the Lord God, our King, the Lamb of God Who has taken away our sins, our Messiah, God's Prophet, our High Priest and our Healer! And much more... Take time out to give Jesus your praise. He deserves it!


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