1 Corin. 15:1-20
1. The Proof: Paul's own testimony> He saw Jesus alive. So did Peter and the disciples and over 500 people at one time saw Jesus alive.
2. The Problem: Some people said Jesus did not rise from the dead. Therefore, their conclusion was that faith is useless, preachers are liars, no one will be resurrected, everyone is still in their sins, we only have hope in this life and those Christians that died have perished. What a sad way to live!
3. The Product: Yes, Jesus died, but He rose 3 days later. Therefore, our faith is useful, preachers are not liars, everyone will be resurrected (some to eternal life, some to damnation: Dan. 12:2; Acts 24:15), our sins are forgiven if we receive Jesus as our personal Savior, and we have hope now and a hope of a future life in heaven....
The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is proven and is preached. Jesus, the Messiah has fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. What Jesus said, He still says. Where's Jesus' body? It's not in a grave. Jesus still changes lives. There is an afterlife: heaven or hell.
Romans 10:9-10 states that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved....
Have you received Jesus into your heart? Have you confessed that He is Lord? Do you believe He has risen from the dead? If you answered "Yes" to all three, you are saved. If you could not answer "Yes" to all three, then you need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart.
Jesus is Lord!
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