1 Corin. 12:4-11: From these verses we understand that the Holy Spirit manifests, works and divides different (several) gifts to benefit everyone in the church as He wills... The 9 gifts are manifested in the church today. These 9 gifts are to be see in the church.

As we read the Bible we noticed that there are 21 gifts mentioned:

9 manifesting gifts:  1 Corin. 12:   from the Holy Spirit

5 ministering gifts:   Eph. 4:11:      from Jesus.

7 motivational gifts: Rom. 12:3-8: from the Father.

As Christians, let us exhibit these gifts as the Trinity leads us.

Covet earnestly the best gifts..(1 Corin. 12:31) ... use them in love..(1 Corin. 13)...and let all things be done decently and in order..(1 Corin. 14:40)

Be blessed.☝🕇🕮


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