Religion or Christianity? 2 Tim. 3:5
Religion means you are following a "religious" person, or a set of rules, or doing good to gain God's favor, or attempting to get to heaven by your "good works"....
Christianity means receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and having a relationship with the living God and being a follower of Jesus and living by faith.
In these "last days" people will have a form of godliness, but will deny the power of God.
They will have ceremonialism, formalism and superstitions but deny the power of the Holy Spirit. There are "spiritual" people who deny the blood-sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins.
Not everyone who says "...Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven..." Mt. 7:21
People honor God with their lips, but their heart are far from Him. Mark 7:6
People profess they know God, but their life-style denies Him. Titus 1:6
The Apostle Paul had a religion before He met Jesus. Then he became a believer, Acts 9.
Cornelius had a religion, then he had a relationship with Jesus & the Holy Spirit. Acts 10.
The Ethiopian had a religion, then he received Jesus , and got baptized. Acts 8.
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army ( c. 1860 AD) stated:
Some chief dangers confronting us is "Religion without the Holy Ghost...Christianity without Christ....Politics without God....Salvation without repentance..."
Religion cannot save anyone. Religion does not take you to heaven. Only faith in what Jesus, the Messiah accomplished on the cross by shedding His blood can save us, (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:8,9).
Put your faith in Jesus alone!
Read: Galatians 1:10-16; Romans 1:16-32
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