Rooted and Growing in Jesus

Col. 2:6-10 

Christians have received Jesus as Messiah, Savior and Lord. Therefore, we are to walk as He walked (WWJD). Our faith in Him is to be unmovable. Read Psalm 1.

We are to be built up on Jesus. Our faith is to established.  As we have received Jesus and are rooted in Him, we are to remain  with Him. Our growth in Him is continual and gradual.

But we must we aware of deceptions. Beware!  There a philosophies and religions that are man-made traditions. They can lead us astray. Stay in The Word. Christians are complete in Jesus. We are filled with all we need.

There is no defect in the Bible, Jesus and His teachings.

Our Walk with Jesus is:

1) New Life: 2 Corin. 5:17

2) Faith: 2 Corin. 5:7

3) Love: Eph. 5:2

4) Truth: 3 Jn.3

5)Honesty: Rom. 13:13

As you have received Jesus, stay rooted and remain faithful to Him.


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