The Battle Belongs to the Lord:  1 Samuel 17:47
David fought Goliath in the Name of the Lord of Hosts. It wasn't just his sling shot. It was the power of God that slew Goliath. David confronted his enemy. He didn't complain to him, he slew him. 

What "Goliath" is in your life? What giant are you facing? Are you facing giants of addictions, sickness, debt, enemies, etc? Come against them in Jesus' Name.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 states to cast down and demolish human reasonings and various opinions of man. Stand on God's Word and what He says.

Christians are exposed to every sin that the world has access to. We may be exposed to sin, but are we opposed to it?  We have every sin at our disposal. God wants to expose sin in our lives, so we can dispose of it. Let me propose: God will expose, so we can oppose and then we can dispose. Our weapons are mighty through God. His armor is sufficient: Ephesians 6:10-18.

We  are to bring into captivity everything that is against God's Word, and tell it to obey Jesus.

Bring into captivity: paganism, pride, profainess, principalities, pressures, pain, places, performances, plans, purposes, powers, passions, patterns, persuasions, perversions, pollutions, poisons, plagues, pestilences.... Tell them to obey Jesus!

David used his faith. He didn't use King Saul's armor. He used God's armor: truth, righteousness, faith, the Word and the Name of the Lord. He ran towards the enemy. 

The battle belongs to the Lord. Do your part and He will do His.


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