“How Are You
Keeping Warm?”
Read: Mark
The Jewish
Sanhedrin met to condemn Jesus. Peter followed Jesus at a distance
and was at the High Priest's palace. He warmed himself at a fire. He
was at the wrong place with the wrong people. It is very easy to just
follow the crowd and end up warming yourself with the wrong fire.
There is no substitute for the fire of the Holy Spirit. It was at
this place that Peter denied Jesus three times.
Peter was
discouraged, defeated, weak, in a spiritual battle and at the wrong
place. He was surrounded by the enemies of Jesus. He should have
stayed with the disciples. Previously, while in the Garden of
Gethsemane he and the other disciples were sleeping instead of
praying. Now he will enter into temptation and deny Jesus.
Two examples
of people in the wrong place were Eve and King David. What was Eve
doing hanging around the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?”
Didn't God tell Adam and Eve that they could eat from any tree in the
Garden of Eden except that tree? But human nature does its own thing.
Because Eve hung around the tree, Satan came and tempted her. And
here we are today! King David was suppose to be at battle, but he
was on his roof, and spotted Bathsheba taking a bath. Adultery and
murder resulted.
Watch were you
are warming yourself. Read Psalm 1. If you play with fire, you will
get burnt. Read Rev. 2:1-5.. Remember, Repent and Repeat....
witnesses testified against Jesus. They couldn't accuse Jesus of any
wrong doing. That is because He did nothing wrong. Trust in Him.
Father, fill me with the Holy Spirit and fire so I will not need
to be warming myself at the enemy's fire. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Pray for those you know who are not where they should be in the Lord.
Pray they receive the Holy Spirit and fire.
Jesus: Receive the
power, anointing and fire of the Holy Spirit.
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