Encounter #44:
Are You a Good Tenant?”
Read: Mark 12:1-12

Jesus spoke a parable, which is a story or illustration that conveys a specific meaning. This portion of Scripture is often called “The Parable of the Vineyard.” The owner of the vineyard is God. He rents it out to caretakers,tenants or stewarts. The vineyard represents Israel and the tenants are the Jewish religious leaders. The tenants are responisble for the fruitfulness of the vineyard. The religious leaders are responsible for teaching the truth. The owner of the vineyard required payment from the tenants. In this case, some of the fruit was given as rental payment to  someone the owner sent to receive it.

The owner (God) sent representatives (Prophets) to the vineyard (Israel) to check on the vineyard to receive rent (Fruitfulness). But the caretakers (Religious Leaders) beat some of the representatives and killed some. Therefore, the owner (God) sent His only beloved Son (Jesus). But They killed Him and thew His body outside of the vineyard. What will the owner do? Destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others. 
Read Isaiah 5:1-7.

God repeatedly sent prophets, teachers and leaders to Israel to bring them back to Himself. But they were mocked, ignored and some were killed. He sent His Son Jesus, and He was crucified. Therefore, the Nation of Israel was destoyed in 70AD, and the time of the Gentiles began. We need to examine our own hearts. How are we taking care of what we have been entrusted with? Our familes, our bodies, our churches, our environment, our Nation, other people, money, etc. God has given us His Word, His Son and the Holy Spirit to keep us faithful. How are we taking care of the vineyards He has “rented out” to us?

Prayer: Father God, help me to be a faithfiul tenant (steward) with those things and people you have trusted me with. In Jesus's Name. Amen.

Application: Take inventory of what the Lord has given to you: your body, family, friends, home, money, job, etc. Am I faithfully caring for it all?

Encounter Jesus: God, the Father has sent Jesus to enable us to fulfil the mininstry He has given us. Receive the power, anointing and ability to care for and execute the plans and purposes God has for you.


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