Encounter #41:
Read: Mark 10:32-45

As Jesus was leading His disciples, again He predicted that He would be condemned, the Gentiles will kill Him and on the third day He would rise from the dead. They again did not understand this and even James and John went as far as requesting a notable position for themselves when Jesus went to heaven. The mother of James and John also supported their request. They wanted to sit next to Jesus on His throne.

Jesus questioned them as to whether they would be willing to suffer and die for Him. Would they be willing to “drink”and be “baptized” with suffering. They said they were willing to do it. Jesus said that they would indeed go through suffering and death for Him. But as far as making the seating arrangements for them in Heaven, it was His Father's job to do that. The other apostles were indignant about James' and John's request.

Jesus used this incident as a teaching lesson on authority and humility. He said that the Gentile Romans oppressively rule and have have authority over their subjects. It wasn't to be the case for His disciples. If anyone of them wanted to be “great,” then they needed to serve. Jesus Himself came to serve. Jesus paid the price for our sins. He gave His life as a ransom. He paid the price for our freedom from sin's dominion, condemnation and death. He took our place on the cross.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for dying for me and my sins. You paid the price for me. You ransomed me from sin and death. I praise you. Amen.

Application: Tell someone that Jesus loves them and died for their sins.

Encounter Jesus: Realize that Jesus came as a Servant. He humbled Himself. He wants us to do the same. In humility reachout to someone in need and see the Hand of Jesus at work through you. Let them see Jesus in you.


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