Encounter #40:
Godly Contentment”
Read: Mark 10:17-31

A rich, young ruler came running to Jesus. He called Jesus “Good Master.” He wanted to know what he should do to inherit eternal life. Jesus said only God is good. Meaning He was God. Did the young man know the 10 commandments? Yes, he did. Did he obey them? Yes, he did. But something was missing in his life. Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and follow Him. The man left sorrowful. He was not content.

Jesus was testing the man's priorities. Did he really want to follow Jesus? Was he willing to give up everything and follow Jesus? No. He had great possessions. And the possessions had him. Jesus responded by stating that it is very hard for a rich person to enter heaven. The disciples were astonished. But Jesus was saying that those who put their trust in riches, and not in Him, will not inherit eternal life. There was a gate in Jerusalem called the “eye of the needle.” It was a narrow door that a camel couldn't go through unless it removed its baggage and knelt down to go through it. Unless we are wiling to humble ourselves and have our priorities correct, we will not enter heaven. We must go through the narrow gate, and the door is Jesus. The disciples were astonished at this. Many of the Pharisees and religious leaders were wealthy. They proclaimed that God's favor was on them, therefore, they were rich. Not so. Riches do not necessarily mean God's favor. Who then can be saved?

With God all things are possible. God made the way to get to heaven. Jesus is the only way (John 14:6). Those who seem to be “last” in the world's view, are “first” in God's eyes. Trust Jesus for your salvation. Be content with God's blessings.

Prayer: Father, I put my trust in Jesus. I do not trust in riches or my possessions to give me favor. I give myself to Jesus. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Give someone hope by telling them that Jesus loves them and He gives eternal life to them if they believe in Him.

Encounter Jesus: Realize that God blesses you. It is not your riches, or lack of them that shows His favor. Receive His grace and love.


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