Encounter #39:
Read: Mark 19:13-16

Families brought young children and infants to Jesus so He can bless them. As soon as a child knows right from wrong and that Jesus loves them, they need to give their hearts to Him. A three-fold blessing is bestowed upon Jewish children by their father: 1) gain favor in God's Law; 2) be faithful in marriage; 3)be abundant in good works. So too, pray a blessing on your children. The disciples had a problem with parents bringing children to Jesus. They even rebuked the parents. But Jesus was very annoyed and indignant about their foolish behavior. He wanted the children to come to Him so He may touch them and bless them. The same is true today. Jesus loves the little children...

The Kingdom of God is achieved by having the faith of a child. Children are teachable, loving, innocent, simple, trusting and faithful. We are to receive Jesus and His Kingdom the same way. If not, we cannot enter into it. We receive Jesus by faith and His Kingdom by faith.

Parents are to give instruction, correction and Christian upbringing to their children (Pr. 22:6). Dedicate them to Jesus and protect them from ungodly influence. Be an example of Jesus to them and pray for them always. Children are a heritage from the Lord (Ps. 127:3). Samuel, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Timothy and Jesus Himself were all dedicated to the Father.

Bless, and do not curse (Rom. 12:14); Bless them that curse you (Mt. 5:44); Bless those who mock, persecute and challenge you (1 Corin. 4:12); God blesses you as you endure trials (James 1:12). Bless and be a blessing.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for blessing me. I ask for grace to bless others who may not be kind and loving. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: Find someone to bless by your prayers, words, finances or in meeting a need.

Encounter Jesus: As you are obedient to the Word, Jesus will bless you with favor, love, grace and strength. Receive it.


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