# 37:
Some Salt
Read: Mark
John told
Jesus that there were other people , not from their own group,
casting out demons in Jesus' Name. This “fringe” group wasn't
following the “discipleship” group. Therefore, they were told to
“cease and desist” by John's group. But Jesus said to leave them
alone because they were using His Name and therefore were not mocking
or resisting Him. Those who are not against Jesus, are for Him. Just
because someone doesn't follow your group, denomination, church,
fellowship or “clique,” doesn't mean they are not following
Jesus. As long as they are Christians and attend at Bible-
believing-Christ centered-Church they are not against you. And we
should not have an “exclusive spirit” as did the disciples. The
Corinthian Church had splits, cliques and groups (see 1 Corin.
1:12-17). If someone isn't against Jesus, then they are for Him.
Even if we
give a cup of cold water to someone thirsty, we are doing God's will.
A simple act of kindness reflects our love for Jesus and others. We
shouldn't offend others by our actions and talk. Little children and
young Christians are to be guarded against offences. If our hands,
feet and eyes are causing us, or someone else to stumble, then we
should stop doing, going and looking at things that offend others.
Jesus said to “cut off” what is offending you and others. Stop
doing it.
Salt gives
flavor, seasoning and it preservers. The Old Testament sacrifices
were salted. Salt is good. But if we become saltless, then how can
we be restored again? Only with God's help and our obedience. Being
“salted with fire” means we are to mortify and purify our fleshy
desires and be a living sacrifice for God (see Romans 12:1,2). Let
God's fire purify you. We need to be purified from selfishness,
pride, an “exclusive spirit,” offending of others and
Heavenly Father, forgive me for being selfish, proud, arrogant,
offensive and disobedient. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Do acts of kindness today and ask for forgiveness where you have
offended someone. Have some salt!
Jesus: Receive God's love, forgiveness and healing.
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