Encounter #34:
Prepare the Way
Read: Mark 9:11-13

The Jewish religious leaders questioned Jesus as to whether Elijah should come before the Messiah. Jesus said that Elijah is to come before the Son of man comes. The words “Son of man” were a term used for the Messiah. The prophet Daniel states this in 9:26 of his book. Jesus was saying that He is the Messiah and Elijah had already come (Matt.11:14). When you read Luke 1:17 you understand that John the Baptist came “with the spirit and power of Elijah.” John was to be forerunner of the Messiah (Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6). He was the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord” (Lk. 3:4; Isaiah 40:3). Jesus was saying that John had the “spirit and power” of Elijah and that He was the Messiah. Elijah had come. In Mark 9:4 who was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Moses and Elijah were with Him.

Jesus said that He was to suffer and die. But the Jewish leaders wanted the Messiah to free them from the bondage of the Romans. But Jesus came to free them from their sins first. If we compare Elijah and John the Baptist we see that they both were persecuted, rejected and not well received. Elijah had his Jezebel (1 Kings 19) and John had his Herodias (Mark 6:17). They were both sent from God, were to restore Israel and prepare the way for the Messiah. The same Holy Spirit that was on Elijah and John rests on God's people today. We are to have the same power, boldness and message. We are to prepare people for the return of the Messiah, Jesus. While we await the Lord's return, we are to proclaim His Word with power.

Prayer: Father, I that you for the Holy Spirit who empowers me to be a witness of your Son, Jesus, the Messiah. I receive the anointing and power to proclaim the Gospel. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Application: As the Holy Spirit prepares your heart, He is also preparing the hearts of the lost. Be lead by the Spirit to tell someone about Jesus.

Encounter Jesus: Receive the power to proclaim and manifest the words and works of Jesus. Jesus wants to use you to prepare others for His soon return. Receive His anointing.


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