Come This Far By Faith
Read: Mark
multitudes continued to follow Jesus. Jesus realized that they have
been listening to His teachings and following Him for three days
without eating. The 4,000+ people were now hungry. Jesus has
compassion on them. Remember that compassion means having
sorrow for someone and then doing something about it. Some of
the people came from long distances and if they were sent home they
would faint along the way. So Jesus decides to feed them. He fed
5,000+ previously (Mark 6:1-34-44). The disciples question Jesus
about how can bread be found in the wilderness. Have they forgotten
that the Lord took care of Moses and all the mixed multitude in the
wilderness of Sinai? He gave them manna and quail.
realizes that they have seven loaves of bread and a few small fishes.
They sit down and Jesus prays, breaks the bread and gives it to the
disciples. The bread and fish are multiplied again and all the people
eat and are filled. There are seven baskets left over. God provides
Jesus and the
disciples go over the Lake again to Dalmanutha and meet up with the
Pharisees. They try to trick Jesus again. They want a sign
from Him. What about all the miracles Jesus was doing? They wouldn't
believe no matter what Jesus had done. Jesus and the disciples go
back in the boat and go over to the other said. They now have only
one loaf of bread. Jesus said for them to be aware of the leaven of
the Pharisees and Herod. The disciples didn't understand what He
meant; their heart was hard. They were thinking in the physical realm
but Jesus meant that the doctrine of the Pharisees was sinful and
evil. Jesus reminded them that their needs were provided in the past
when the 5,000 and the 4,000 were fed. They have come this far by
faith. Remember how God provided for you in the past, and know that
He will provide again. Trust Him in faith.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your past provision. I am trusting
you again for providing for me now. I have come this far in faith.
Keep my heart soft towards You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Reach out to Jesus now in faith and trust Him to provide.
Jesus: Jesus is with you. He is your Provider and Hope. He's the
Bread of Life. Receive His provision by faith now.
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