Jesus is Lord in Russian.... Сейчас настало время признать, что Иисус Христос – единственный Господь, Мессия и Спаситель. Теперь день вашего спасения! ПоКайтесь в своих грехах и поверьте, что Иисус умер за вас на кресте. И он воскрес из мертвых. Стихи: От Иоанна 14:6; Деяния 4:12; От Иоанна 3:16; К Римлянам 10:9, 10; К Ефесянам 2:8, 9; От Иоанна 1:12; Деяния 16:31 Получите его в свое сердце сейчас. Он-ваша единственная надежда. Он ваше спасение: Псалом 27:1, 23 Верьте Господу Иисусу Христу, и вы будете СПАСЕНы. Иисус-единственный путь к небу. Другого пути нет. Разве это не ясно и просто? Провозглашайте Иисуса Христа Господом моей жизни!
Showing posts from March, 2019
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Encounter #31: Jesus is the Messiah Read: Mark 8:27-33 Jesus and His disciples go to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. Here is some history of that area. In the Old Testament this was a place where a shrine was built to the false god called Baal. Children were sacrificed to this demon-god. Later on the Greeks dedicated a temple to the music-nature-god called Pan. And during Jesus' time a temple built by the Romans was erected here in honor of Augustus Caesar. This was a prime real-estate area for Jesus to be identified as the Messiah, the Anointed One of God! Jesus has all authority over Baal, Pan and Politicians! Baal represented the murder of innocent children (abortion). Pan signifies the worship of nature and demonic musicians. And the Roman temples are equated with Emperor and human worship (false preachers/teachers/prophets/politicians). Jesus is Messiah over them all! Jesus asked His disciples “Whom do men say that I am?” They responded that some equat...
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Encounter #30: Seeing More Clearly Read: Mark 8:22-26 Jesus went back to Bethsaida the hometown of Philip, Andrew and Peter. While He was there some people brought a blind man to Jesus. The blind man was led by the hand outside of the town by Jesus. Then, Jesus spit in the blind man eyes and put His hands on him. Jesus' spittle contained the words of Jesus! The blind man saw, but he only saw men as trees walking. He wasn't focused. His sight was dim, fuzzy, distorted and unclear. Jesus laid His hands on him again. Jesus had him look up. The man's sight was completely restored now. He now saw clearly. What was Jesus doing and teaching? Jesus' first touch was to challenge the blind man to believe for more. A second touch from Jesus resulted in a complete healing. Jesus touched you before and He will touch you again. He wants you to see more clearly. He wants your spiritual eyes to be focused on Him. Just one touch from the King can change everythi...
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Encounter #29 : I've Come This Far By Faith Read: Mark 8:1-21 Great multitudes continued to follow Jesus. Jesus realized that they have been listening to His teachings and following Him for three days without eating. The 4,000+ people were now hungry. Jesus has compassion on them. Remember that compassion means having sorrow for someone and then doing something about it. Some of the people came from long distances and if they were sent home they would faint along the way. So Jesus decides to feed them. He fed 5,000+ previously (Mark 6:1-34-44). The disciples question Jesus about how can bread be found in the wilderness. Have they forgotten that the Lord took care of Moses and all the mixed multitude in the wilderness of Sinai? He gave them manna and quail. Jesus realizes that they have seven loaves of bread and a few small fishes. They sit down and Jesus prays, breaks the bread and gives it to the disciples. The bread and fish are multiplied again and all the ...
Destiny Bible College
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Ligh†house Minis†ries Church 23 Triangle Rd., Liberty, NY 12754 Rev. Dr. Richard & Rev. Kathie Ienuso, co-Pastors 845-985-7026 A Bible-Based-Christ-Centered-Pentecostal Church If you are interested, please let me know. Dear Faithful Associate in the Ministry and Christians: Good News! A Bible College in Liberty , New York! Yes, you heard right. Destiny Bible College . There are many Christians who desire to get further Biblical training but cannot afford it, or can't leave the area, or can't spend too much time in a school setting. There is an answer: N2NCU = Nation-2-Nation Christian University. Check out the web site. Let's work together in learning more of God's Word and the ministry He has called us into. Hope to hear from you soon. Get an application &...
You Are A Warrior for Jesus!
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You have been destined for greatness! God has a plan and purpose for your life (Jer. 29:11). If you have a pulse, God has a plan. God has great expectations for your life. Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Jesus is not a religion. He is the Son of God. Law-keeping, joining a church, being baptized, living a religious creed or doing religious ceremonies will not get you to heaven. Repenting of your sins, believing Jesus died for you on the cross and receiving Him into your life will save you. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus said: "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by me" (John 14:6). No other Name can save you (*Acts 4:12). Because God loves you (John 3:16) He has a plan for you. His plan for you is to be a Warrior for Jesus! I said a Warrior, not a worrier! You are a soldier in His army. Christianity is not a playground, but a battleground! We do not fight each other but the devil and his...
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Encounter #28: Does God Have Your Ears and Tongue? Read: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus continues His missionary journey through Tyre and Sidon and Decapolis. Some friends bring a deaf and mute man to Jesus. Always bring your friends to Jesus. This deaf man had a speech impediment. He was “tongue-tied.” He could speak but with difficulty. Jesus took him away from the crowds. Having put His fingers in his ears, Jesus then spit and touched the man's tongue. He prayed, sighed and said, “Be open.” Immediately the man's ears opened. His tongue was loosed and he talked plainly. Isaiah 35:1-6 prophesied that the Messiah would come and bring healing and deliverance. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy. Jesus had a variety of ways to minister to people: laid hands on them; spoke to them; rebuked; prayed; spit... And the results were healings and deliverances. Jesus sighed as He prayed because sin had wrecked many lives and the devil had deformed God's creation. Jesus is a “m...