
Showing posts from October, 2020
Psalm 127:3:  Children are reward from the Lord. When children are out in the world they are exposed to disobedience.  We are fighting against the world system where the enemy is working to take children captive. Most of a child's beliefs about God, himself and the world are set by age 6! Waiting until children are older to try to impart Godly truth to them is too late. If we are not training children in God's way, someone else will be training them in the opposite way. Children are wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-16). As children obey parents, they will obey God. Take your children to church. Children are an inheritance from the Lord. πŸ™πŸ™‹πŸ™†πŸ˜šπŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ‘β˜
Ephesians 4:1-16:   Called to Minister What?    Walk worthy of your vocation (calling) . How?    in humility, meekness, longsuffering, love and peace. Why?    because there is only one body (church), one Holy Spirit, one hope, one Lord (Jesus), one faith, one baptism & one God... Who?   apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. When?  until we are mature Christians in Jesus. God, Himself gave the church these 5 offices. He appointed and anointed them to minister to the Church. They are to equip the saints. We are called to minster the Gospel. It's our vocation (not vacation). Get busy!!!
 The Church:  1 Tim. 3:15-16.. The church is a gathering, an assembly, a congregation called out publicly, visible and a witness to the community. Church is  the House of the living God. God is not dead. He is actively and personally involved and working. The church is the pillar and ground of truth. It holds up, displays, supports and sustains the truth. It is a permanent foundation of the truth. The truth is the Word of God and Jesus Christ. The church defends and transmits the truth. The truth of the Bible, and Who Jesus is is upheld in the world, by the church. The church is God, the Father's House, with Jesus as its center and the Holy Spirit as its power. God became man=Jesus, Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus is vindicated by the Holy Spirit. Seen of angels. Preached to the Jew and Gentile and ascended into Heaven. The Church is God's idea. See you IN Church!
 Life Matters:  1 Timothy 5:24-25... Some people's sins are right in the open...not disguised and not hidden. You know who they are and what they believe... and they will be judged. Some sins are hidden...private...but they will be judged. Some people's good works are in the open...they are public...obvious... Whatever you do will effect you now, or later. In time, everything will surface. .good or bad. How you live matters.  Your life matters. Seek God...not Sin. Fear God...not man. Love God...not the world. Believe God. .not the deceiver. Obey God...not  your feelings. Worship and serve God. Trust Jesus for your salvation. John 14:6
 Psalm 1:3:  We should be "like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in our season: our leaf also will not wither: and whatever we do will prosper." Did you ever notice that some Christians are like wheelbarrows-  no good unless they are pushed... Some are like canoes- they need to be paddled... Some are like kites- if you don't keep a string on them- they fly away... Some are like footballs- you can't tell which way they will bounce next... Some are like  balloons-  full of wind and ready to blow up... Some are like trailers- they have to be pulled.... Some are like neon lights- they keep going on and off... And, some are like watches- open-faced, pure gold, quietly busy & full of good works.. Which are you? β˜πŸ˜€πŸ’“ .