
Showing posts from June, 2017

Don't Lose Heart

Do not lose heart For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:17) Troubles in this life are momentary compared to the glory that is to come. Those troubles even help to prepare us for that glory all the more. What is the glory? It's the beauty, wonder, magnificence and splendor of God. And Christians get to share in that!! All of us will undergo troubles, hardship and grief in this life. You may not have been through much yet, but you will. That’s part of living in a broken world. Personal struggles. Depression. Anxiety. Addiction. Sick family members. Death. When you undergo trouble, hardship and grief, it should make you long and hunger all the more to stand in glory. To share in Jesus' beauty. To see his face. To have his nail-pierced hands wipe your crying eyes! You’ve gotta go through the hard stuff. Keep going. Don't lose heart - know that something better, infinitely better is comin...

Strength in Time of Temptation

πŸ™‡ πŸ™Š πŸ™‰ πŸ™ˆ Strength  when you are being Tempted: 1 Corin. 10:13 states: "No temptation except what all people experience has laid hold of you, and God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability, but will, at the time of temptation, provide a way out, so that you will be able to stand it." Facts : 1.  Temptation is not sin. 2. Temptations will come. 3.  Everyone is tempted. 4.  Your  similar temptation is experienced by others, too. 5.  God is still faithful. 6.  God will not allow you to be tempted beyond your limits. 7. Even when you are being tempted, God allows you to   escape it. (if you are willing to take the escape) 8. You  can endure the temptation, without giving into it. (if you resist it) 9. You will become stronger to resist it the next time. 10. Thank God He is here for you. Therefore, when temptation comes knocking at your door (eyes, ears, feet, emotions, etc.....

I Declare....

I Declare... That I am blessed with God's wisdom,and I have clear direction in my life, That I am blessed with creativity, with courage, with ability & with abundance, That I am blessed with self-control & self-discipline, That I am blessed with a great family, good friends & good health, That I am blessed with an obedient heart, with promotion, with a positive outlook on  life, That I am blessed with favor, faith & fulfillment, That I am blessed with success, supernatural strength, divine protection, That I am blessed in the city, in the country,when I go in & when I come out, That everything I put my  hands to is going to prosper and succeed. Amen, and Amen!